Download here the IEEE VIS 2015 Supporter and Exhibitor Prospectus (PDF). |
IEEE VIS 2015 provides the premier forum for advances in visualization in academia, science, government, industry, and beyond. Three events, the IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology Conference (VAST), the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis) and the IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis) will be held jointly at the Chicago's Palmer House Hilton from Sunday, October 25 through Friday, October 30, 2015. These events bring together researchers and practitioners in the visualization field with a shared interest in tools, techniques and technology.
A full complement of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions make this conference one of the largest and most important gatherings of researchers and professionals who specialize in the visual analysis of data. The conference also provides a unique opportunity for companies to engage with leading visualization experts, to showcase their activities and products, and to recruit the best students in the field.
Co-located with this conference will be the Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV). This symposium brings together domain scientists, data analytics and visualization researchers, high-performance computing specialists, and database technology providers, to foster innovative solutions to the unique problems encountered with extremely large-scale data. We invite you to participate in the support of IEEE VIS 2015 by contributing to or exhibiting at the conference.
Why Support and Exhibit at IEEE VIS 2015?
Please email exhibits@ieeevis.org for more information.