VIS 2016 banner


Do you want to meet people who share the same interest with you or just discuss a topic that you care about or that brings the visualization community forward? If yes, organize a meetup!

What is a meetup?

Meetups (previously known as BOFs) are an excellent forum to discuss a wide range of topics related to visualization. For example, if you are an experienced researcher, consider submitting a proposal to share your knowledge in an informal setting with conference participants. Proposals devoted to a particular discipline’s methods and cross disciplinary proposals are both welcome. For example, some recent meetups have included opportunities to discuss topics related to blogging about visualization, the connection between art and science, even organizing a joint bike trip (Velo Club de VIS). VIS2016 is eager to expand its meetup sessions and will consider proposals given room availability. Meetups are public and open to all attendees. Meetup organizers need to register at the conference.

What do you get?

The meetup chairs will take care of reserving a room that fits your needs, finding a time slot, making sure that the equipment you need is there, help announcing the meetup via social media, and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

What information should a meetup proposal include?

  • a title,
  • a responsible person (name, contact information),
  • a brief description of the topic to be addressed,
  • prospective audience and a foreseen number of participants,
  • room equipment requirements and,
  • preferences and constraints for meetup schedule (if applicable).

Who to contact and where to submit the proposals?

Submissions should be emailed to

When to submit?

Early Submission Deadline Sunday, September 4, 2016
Notification Friday, September 9, 2016

Submissions after the deadline will be considered subject to room availability. Later submissions will be processed and notified within a couple of days.

We also encourage impromptu meetups to be organized during the conference itself. Please contact the chairs by email or in person during the conference in order to secure a conference room and time slot.


Kresimir Matkovic, VRVis
Abon Chaudhuri, @WalmartLabs
Marc Streit, Johannes Kepler University Linz