IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC) established the IEEE Visualization Pioneers Group (VPG) in 2013. VPG will host its third member exclusive reception on Monday, October 26 co-located with the IEEE VIS 2015 conference in Chicago, IL.
To become a member of the VPG, one simply needs to have at least 20 years of contributions to some aspect of visualization and visual analytics. The membership fee is $US 50.00 per year. Members are highly encouraged to pay their membership dues online at http://www.payit2.com/collect-page/51638.
If you plan to attend the 2015 VPG reception, we encourage you to join VPG as soon as possible so that we can have a more accurate head count for the reception.
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago.
For your calendar:
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015
Time: 6 PM
Location: Rosebud Prime Restaurant, Second floor
Address: 1 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60603 (4 minutes of walking or 0.2 miles from the VIS conference hotel)
If you have questions, please contact vpg@vgtc.org.