Community Building for Eye Tracking and Visualization
Location: SALON 1
Organizer: Daniel Weiskopf
With the ETVIS Meetup, we intend to build a community of eye tracking researchers within the visualization community, covering information visualization, scientific visualization, and visual analytics. We also aim to establish connections to related fields, in particular, in human-computer interaction, cognitive science, and psychology. This will promote a robust exchange of established practices and innovative use scenarios. Website: http://www.etvis.org
Joint BioVis / City of Chicago Meetup
Location: SALON 1
Organizer: Tom Schenk, Liz Marai, Jillian Aurisano
The international Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) is an interdisciplinary event covering all aspects of visualization in biology. The Symposium brings together researchers from the visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities with the purpose of educating, inspiring, and engaging visualization researchers in problems in biological data visualization as well as bioinformatics and biology researchers in state-of-the-art visualization research. In order to further engage with a biological audience, the fourth and fifth editions were organized in collaboration with the International Society for Computational Biology and held jointly with their ISMB annual conference.
We are keen to maintain a presence with the VIS community and this meetup will serve as a focus for researchers in BioVis to meet up at VIS to discuss ideas for further development of the Biological Visualisation Community. In particular, this meetup will bring together BioVis researchers and groups of interest within the City of Chicago, who runs a regular Data Visualization Meetup in Chicago. Website: http://www.meetup.com/The-Chicago-Data-Visualization-Group/
MeetRV3: Towards a System for Rewarding Reproducibility in Visualization
Location: SALON 2
Organizer: Paul Rosenthal
As visualization has matured, procedures for verifying and evaluating techniques have improved. While many individuals are making their code and procedures available, there are no established guidelines for reproducibility in our community. Introducing such practices would increase the acceptance of visualization methods in other communities, make contributions more well-grounded, and expedite future innovation by making comparisons and improvements easier. The goal of the meetup is to review and discuss efforts of other communities to promote reproducibility to come up with a common direction for the visualization community. We hope to find a consentient way to honor well-reproducible work and strengthen the community in its effort to establish a common culture of reproducibility. Website: http://www.eurorvvv.org
Systers Meetup
Location: SALON 2
Organizer: Liz Marai
This meetup provides a place for the women at VIS to interact in person with other women in VIS, and to locate female role models and mentors. Possible discussion topics include overcoming the biases which can drive women out of the field (from "prove it again" to "isolation" to "can you be both a good mother and a good scientist"), impostor's syndrome etc, or simply finding a mentor. Website: http://anitaborg.org/get-involved/systers/
Tableau for Teaching and Research
Location: SALON 1
Organizer: Robert Kosara (and likely a few other Tableau folks)
Are you using Tableau in your teaching or research? Do you even know we give licenses for classes and to every student? Are you curious about using it and learning about what others have done? Come to this meetup to hear from your peers! Also, tell us what you want Tableau to provide you with to make your job easier. Website: http://www.tableau.com/academic
Be the Data: Embodied Visual Analytics
Location: SALON 1
Organizer: Xin Chen
The goal of this meetup is to promote creative interactive data exploration through the novel combination of the physical and virtual worlds. We propose a novel concept, Be the Data, to explore the possibilities of using human’s embodied resources to teach students about high-dimensional data. Be the Data means that, in a physical space, each student embodies a unique data point in a high-dimensional dataset. Students can explore alternative projections by physically moving themselves around the space. Thus, students can pose hypotheses and discover hidden structure in the data. As a starting point, we will present our system and initial findings about embodiment in visual analytics. Come discuss the possibilities, benefits and challenges of embodied interaction for visual analytics, mathematics education and many other application areas.
The IEEE VIS Doctoral Colloquium – Information about the Organisation and Exchange of Experiences
Location: SALON 1
Organizers: Margit Pohl, Chris Collins, Liz Marai
The meetup will inform interested PhD students about the IEEE VIS Doctoral Colloquium. The colloquium will allow students to discuss their research directions in a supportive atmosphere with a panel of distinguished leaders and with their peers. Students can expect helpful feedback and fresh perspectives on their research topics and possible career paths, and will have the opportunity to interact closely with expert researchers in their field. In the meetup the organizers of this years’ colloquium will provide information about who should apply, how submissions should look like and what to consider for the representations in the colloquium. There is also the possibility to exchange information with sucessful applicants of previous years.
Location: SALON 1
Organizer: Jason Dykes
If you have signed up for either of our rides - come along for a pre-ride briefing.
Friday afternoon - Leisurely Lakefront ride with refreshments - 10km, Divvy bikes
Saturday morning - A day in the saddle with the VIS peloton - 80km, road bikes
If you have ordered club jerseys - come along and get them.
If you want to know more about the VIS cycling community - come along and meet fellow cyclists.
If you feel like helping out with the bike club - come along and volunteer.
Website: http://gicentre.net/velo-club-de-vis-meetup
VIS Lies
Location: SALON 3
Organizer: Bernice Rogowitz, Georges Grinstein, Kenneth Moreland
Come laugh at classic lies and learn lessons to save your next visualization, or maybe even your life! Everyone is welcome to come join the fun. You can sit and laugh along with the rest of us, but to double up on the fun, grab your own favorite awful visualization and come up on stage! Presenting at Vis Lies is easy. Bring your examples of bad visualization to VisLies, throw them up on the projector, and tell us what is wrong. Sign up at http://vislies.org/.