The VIS 2013 FINAL PROGRAM is available HERE. You can also find the VIS 2013 AT-A-GLANCE schedule HERE. |
The VIS 2013 Slide Templates are available HERE. |
Here are some brochures of WHAT TO DO and WHERE TO EAT on or around the conference hotel. See you at IEEE VIS 2013!
IEEE VIS 2013 is the premier forum for advances in scientific and information visualization. The event-packed week brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to explore their shared interests in tools, techniques, and technology.
We invite you to participate in IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE Information Visualization, and IEEE Scientific Visualization by sharing your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm.
Each of the three main conferences (VAST, InfoVis, and SciVis) run from Tuesday morning until Friday lunch. Our keynote speaker Erez Lieberman Aiden opens the conferences on Tuesday morning and our capstone speaker Jarke van Wijk closes the meeting on Friday. Additionally, the BioVis and LDAV Symposia occur on Sunday and Monday before the conferences, as do a number of other workshops and tutorials. A symposia reception will be held Sunday night and the main VIS banquet is Wednesday evening. The full program should be available at the start of September.
In 2013, IEEE VIS comes to the city of Atlanta, Georgia, the heart and high-tech center of the American south. Home to CNN and Coca-Cola, the spectacular Georgia Aquarium, and Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta is an exceptionally easy to reach national and international airline hub. Visitors can discover the city’s history from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement and experience a thriving cultural scene at the city’s many theatres, museums, galleries, and family attractions.
Follow @ieeevis to keep up with conference activities and announcements.
Questions? E-mail info(at)ieeevis.org
VIS 2013 General Chair
John T. Stasko, Georgia Institute of Technology
VIS 2013 Conference Chairs
Matt Ward, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (VAST)
Chris Weaver, University of Oklahoma (InfoVis)
Rachael Brady, Cisco Systems (SciVis)