One of our goals in organizing the Compass activities at the main IEEE VIS conference is to support the next generation of visualization researchers by helping connect junior and more experienced researchers from the scientific visualization, information visualization and visual analytics communities. This starts with connecting those who have attended IEEE VIS before with those who may be new to the conference, and perhaps the community.
The Compass activities are open to all registered IEEE VIS participants, regardless of seniority and affiliation. The activities are organized by the IEEE VIS Compass Chairs, who can be reached at compass@ieeevis.org.
The Digital Compass will offer the following events. To register for these events, please visit the corresponding Google Doc pages to see the event details. You can edit these pages directly.
Blind Lunch
Tuesday, Oct. 27 – Thursday, Oct. 29 (during the lunch time slot)
This is an informal, planned lunch where more “IEEE VIS regulars” have the opportunity to meet and socialize with junior researchers. You can sign up for these events on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Meet the Candidate
Monday, Oct. 26, 6:00pm – 7:00pm in the posters area (Exhibit Hall)
This is a poster session where graduating students and postdocs going on the job market present their work. Please sign up for a poster slot with your name and affiliation by sending your information to compass chairs who will add you to the list and ensure you have a poster space. Please remember to bring your poster, CV, and other material you may want to hand to potential employers. Also, feel free to place a slide at the end of any talk you give during the week inviting audience members to come chat with you at this event.
For more information contact IEEE VIS 2015 Compass Chairs:
Alex Endert, Georgia Tech
Daniel Best, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mohammad Ghoniem, Centre de Recherche Public - Gabriel Lippmann
Email: compass@ieeevis.org