Accepted Papers and Posters
Room: Empire
Scientific Visualization for Space Science Data Analysis in Collaborative Virtual Reality Environments
Authors: Wito Engelke, Arturo S. Garcia, Robin Wolff, Christian Bar, Terrence Fernando, David J. Roberts, and Andreas Gerndt
TellFinder: Discovering Related Content in Big Data
Authors: Eric Hall, Chris Dickson, David Schroh and William Wright
Exploring Anomalous Behavior in Wireless Networks with Visual Analytics
Authors: Veena Mendiratta, Vijay K. Gurbani, Chitra Phadke, and Angelo Migliosi
Global to Local Pattern of Life Analysis with Tile-Based Visual Analytics
Authors: Scott Langevin, David Jonker, Kevin Birk, Chris Bethune, and Nathan Kronenfeld
Challenges in Creating Task-tailored Dashboards for the Automotive Industry
Authors: Stephan Pajer and Harald Piringer
DoD HPC User Level Distributed Visualization and Analysis
Authors: Rhonda J Vickery and Matthew J Grismer
Visualizing Natural History in The Field Museum EMu Database
Authors: Kate Webbink, Marc Lambruschi, and Sharon Grant
Workflow to create interactive visualizations of geographic information centered in analysis tasks
Authors: Juan C. Ibarra, Jose T. Hernandez, and Frederic Merienne
High-Category Glyphs in Industry
Author: Richard Brath
Visual Analytics for Improving Efficiency in Mining Operations
Authors: Gilad Saadoun, Peter Bak, and Jonathan Bnayahu
Statistical Forecasting in the Energy Sector: Task Analysis and Lessons Learned from Deploying a Dashboard Solution
Authors: Thomas Muhlbacher, Clemens Arbesser, and Harald Piringer
Analysis and Visualization of Clostridium Difficile Hospital In-Ward Transmissions
Authors: Margaret Varga, Caroline Varga, and Ben Huston
Deploying Moored Profilers on the Ocean Floor
Author: Carolina Nobre
A Novel Distance Measure for Ocean Reconstruction from Sparse Observations Demonstrated on the Atlantic
Authors: Markus Kronenberger, Lorraine E. Lisiecki, Christopher Weber, Carlye Peterson, Geoffrey Gebbie, Howard J. Spero, Oliver Kreylos, Bernd Hamann, and Louise H. Kellogg, and Hans Hagen
Pre-filtering of turbulent vector fields in the geodynamo
Authors: Patrick Rudiger, Christopher Weber, Hiroaki Matsui, Eric Heien, Louise H. Kellogg, Bernd Hamann, and Hans Hagen
Visualization for Error-controlled Surface Reconstruction from Large Electron Microscopy Image Stacks
Authors: Julia Portl, Markus Reischl, Johannes Stegmaier, Rasmus Schroder, Ira V. Mang, and Heike Leitte
Visual Exploration in Surgery Monitoring for Coronary Vessels
Authors: Christina Gillmann, Thomas Wischgoll, and Hans Hagen