Thanks for attending IEEE VIS 2014 in Paris! Hope to see you next year at IEEE VIS 2015 in Chicago! Stay tuned for more information and the Call for Papers. |
IEEE VIS 2014 marked the 25th Anniversary of this event. Check out this CELEBRATION VIDEO!
IEEE VIS 2014 is the premier forum for advances in visualization. The event-packed week brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to explore their shared interests in tools, techniques, and technology.
We invite you to participate in IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology, IEEE Information Visualization, and IEEE Scientific Visualization by sharing your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm.
These events bring together researchers and practitioners in the visualization field with a shared interest in tools, techniques and technology. A full complement of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions make this conference one of the largest and most important gatherings of researchers and professionals who specialize in the visual analysis of data.
Each of the three main conferences (VAST, InfoVis, and SciVis) will run from Tuesday morning until Friday lunch. Our keynote speaker (Alberto Cairo, University of Miami) will open the conferences on Tuesday morning and our capstone speaker (Barbara Tversky, Stanford University & Columbia University) will close the meeting on Friday. Additionally, the LDAV Symposium occurs on Sunday and Monday before the conferences, as do a number of other workshops and tutorials. In particular, the BELIV and VizSec workshops will also take place on Monday. The main VIS banquet is Wednesday evening. The full program should be available at the start of September.
To celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2014, IEEE VIS comes for the first time in its history to Europe and the city of Paris, acknowledging the growing role of European research on visualization. Paris is a spectacular setting, combining the dynamic character of multicultural modern Europe with historical relics and monuments spanning over 2000 years. Curious visitors can explore the city's countless museums, galleries, and public spaces, while gastronomes will delight in Paris's extraordinary selection of restaurants. Located at the center of Western Europe, Paris is reachable from all major international airports. The conference venue is also conveniently located next to public transportation and accessible from all of the city's main airports and train stations.
VIS 2014 General Chair
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA
VIS 2014 Conference Chairs
Giuseppe Santucci, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (VAST)
Jason Dykes, City University London (InfoVis)
David Laidlaw, Brown University (SciVis)
Follow @ieeevis to keep up with conference activities and announcements.
Questions? E-mail info(at)ieeevis.org