Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Time: 11:20 am
Location: Conv 1, Sec C+D
Dieter Schmalstieg
is full professor and head of the Institute of Computer Graphics
and Vision at Graz University of Technology, Austria. His current research interests are augmented reality,
virtual reality, computer graphics, visualization and human-computer interaction. He received Dipl.-Ing. (1993),
Dr.techn. (1997) and Habilitation (2001) degrees from Vienna University of Technology. He is author and co-author
of over 300 peer-reviewed scientific publications with over 14,000 citations, with over twenty best paper awards
and nominations. His recent textbook "Augmented Reality - Principles and Practice" (2016) is published by Addison-Wesley
Professional. His organizational roles include associate editor in chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics, member of the editorial advisory board of computers & graphics and of the Springer Virtual Reality
journal, member of the steering committee of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality,
chair of the EUROGRAPHICS working group on Virtual Environments (1999-2010), key researcher of the K-Plus Competence
Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization in Vienna and key researcher of the Know-Center in Graz.
In 2002, he received the START career award presented by the Austrian Science Fund. In 2012, he received the
IEEE Virtual Reality technical achievement award for seminal contributions to the field of Augmented Reality.
He was elected as a senior member of IEEE, as a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and as a member of
the Academia Europaea. In 2008, he founded the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld Augmented Reality.
When Visualization Met Augmented Reality
In the past year, Augmented Reality (AR) has been introduced in several products of premier technology companies,
addressing billions of mobile computing users. In particular, a new breed of AR games is engaging and visually
appealing. In contrast, non-entertainment applications of AR generally tend to lack sophisticated content.
This can be related to the fact that AR developers are only learning how to effectively use the new medium.
But it also has to do with the lack of overlap in AR research and visualization research. While AR research has
mostly been driven by computer vision with minimal consideration of the visual output, VIS is the field where the
perceptual and cognitive foundations of visual information are studied. AR needs VIS! As AR matures, it will be
vital to bring the two fields together. VIS needs to address the new medium AR, embracing its two key aspects:
mobility and mixed real+virtual perception. AR poses new challenges for VIS, as the visual information needs to
adapt to reality rather than shaping the entire visual domain. This talk will discuss fundamental properties of AR
visualization and present examples of previous, current and future work.
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