Sunday, OCTOBER 21
12:50PM - 1:20PM
Location: Estrel Room III
Organizers: Anastasia Bezerianos, Jonathan Woodring and Weiwei Cui
Contact: community@ieeevis.org
Attending VIS for the first time can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know any other attendees, it’s your first conference, or if you are new to visualization. The VIS Newcomers Meetup is a conference orientation and informal lunch intended for first-time VIS attendees, regardless of experience, from students to practitioners. This allows participants to meet other conference goers and learn various tips for attending VIS. The meetup will start with a short presentation containing conference tips. Following the presentation, meetup attendees will split into small groups led by experienced VIS attendees to continue discussions over lunch and get to know each other.
NOTE: Lunch is not prepaid, each meetup attendee pays for their own lunch.
For more activities outside of the Newcomers Meetup, or if you are unable to attend the meetup, please see Vis Buddies, a Community program bringing together groups of new and old VIS attendees for additional activities outside of this meetup.
Sunday, OCTOBER 21
2:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Lyon
Organizers: Yunhai Wang, Oliver Deussen
Contact: cloudseawang@gmail.com, oliver.deussen@uni-konstanz.de
The China-German Meetup on Visualization aims at bringing together German and Chinese Researchers in the field of visualization. We want to strengthen existing collaborations and projects as well as foster new research ideas. The workshop will be a venue to present posters and discuss research with high-level professors of the field.
Monday, October 22
4:00PM - 4:30PM
Location: Room 30212
Organizers: Michelle A. Borkin, R. Jordan Crouser, and Kelly Gaither
Contact: m.borkin@northeastern.edu
Come to this gathering to learn more about the VISKids grants and conference activities, connect with other parents and families at the conference, and provide feedback and ideas for this and future years. The Inclusivity & Diversity Committee members will answer all your questions. Everyone is welcome to attend, including VISKids/families.
VISKids has provided child care grants to VIS conference attendees since 2015. As part of Inclusivity and Diversity at IEEE VIS, VISKids also organize activities at the conference, and has a meeting room on-site. The activities and the room are open to everyone, not just awardees of the child care grant program.
Tuesday, October 23
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Location: Room 30312
Organizers: Michelle A. Borkin and Tino Weinkauf
Contact: m.borkin@northeastern.edu
Whether you are a new parent, expectant parent, experienced wise parent, or considering some day to be a parent, come attend the first VISParents meet-up to discuss work-life balance topics at VIS. In this open roundtable conversation topics will include work-life balance in general, going into academia versus industry, balancing time with your VISKid, going on paternity leave, being a VISParent while completing your dissertation as a student, and being a VISParent while trying to achieve tenure as a professor. Please come share your wisdom and experiences in this open supportive VIS environment. VISKids are also welcome to attend.
Tuesday, October 23
12:30PM - 2:00PM
Location: Room 30310
Organizer: Kenneth Moreland and Bernice Rogowitz
Contact: kmorel@sandia.gov, bernice.e.rogowitz@gmail.com
Please join us on Tuesday for VisLies. This fun and engaging evening session showcases examples of egregious perceptual, cognitive, and conceptual errors in visualization, presented by members of the Vis community. Examples from our own work, from published papers, and from the internet highlight the many ways the visual representation can misrepresent the underlying phenomena in the data. This is a great opportunity for amusement and for learning, and every year we walk away with a smile on our faces and a deeper sense of responsibility that may one-day impact the world.
Make VisLies more fun for yourself and everyone else by sharing your favorite (or most delpored) ways to misrepresent data. If you have examples to present at VisLies, please visit our web site: http://vislies.org.
Tuesday, October 23
4:20PM - 6:00PM
Location: Room 30312
Organizers: Luana Micallef and Tatiana von Landesberger
Contact: lm@di.ku.dk, tatiana.von.landesberger@gris.tu-darmstadt.de
We will continue discussing the challenges we encounter in VIS careers and ways how our community can help. This is your chance to share your experiences with peers and to contribute to the suggestions we will put forward to the VIS steering committees to nurture a welcoming and supportive atmosphere in our highly competitive work culture. We hope that these suggestions we help the steering committees reflect on the changes that need to be made during the restructuring process of our community. Everyone (be it students, postdocs, professors, researchers from academia or industry) is welcome to join! This will also help us initiate a support network for the VIS community whereby we can help each out with the various challenges and pressures we encounter at different stages of our careers (e.g., dealing with rejections and career uncertainties, getting funding, finding a balance between work and our personal life, coping with stress). If you cannot attend but you still want to voice your opinion, then post your questions and comments anonymously at http://www.luanamicallef.com/succeedingbyfailing/
Tuesday, October 23
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: Estrel Hall A+B
Organizers: Kristi Potter and Remco Chang
Contact: kristi.potter@nrel.gov
Join your fellow junior-level faculty, researchers, and practitioners in our first ever happy hour!
The goal of this meetup is to provide a safe environment for junior Vis researchers to gather and discuss challenges faced in and out of the work environment. The VIS community has always been very supportive of its junior members, however, one missing link among these wide range of programs is support for the junior professors, early career researchers and practitioners. Junior researchers face significant amount of pressure and are often overwhelmed by the drastic change from being a student (or a postdoc). Many junior researchers have little training in project management, grant-writing, mentoring, teaching, and establishing a research agenda. As a result, they struggle maintaining a work-life balance and have few (if no) outlet in seeking help, advice, or support. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet fellow early career researchers, participate in peer mentoring, and as a result build a social network (or a cohort) that will continue to support beyond the VIS conference.
Wednesday, October 24
2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location: Room 30310
Organizers: Timo Ropinski
Contact: timo.ropinski@uni-ulm.de
During the meetup users and developers of the Inviwo visualization framework (www.inviwo.org) will meet and discuss latest developments.
Wednesday, October 24
5:20PM - 6:20PM
Location: Room 30310
Organizers: Michael Sedlmair, Jean-Daniel Fekete
Contact: Michael.Sedlmair@visus.uni-stuttgart.de, Jean-Daniel.Fekete@inria.fr
Many VIS researchers are playing music. Since the parties at VIS are fun and attract many participants and their friends to the conference, as of 2019 we are planning to add another style of party where VIS researchers will entertain their colleagues by playing some music, and thus add to the fun. We expect that VisRocks will allow all generations of VIS musicians to play together and facilitate connections in a relaxed atmosphere.
We invite everybody to the meetup who reflects with this idea. E.g., you might be an individual musician who would potentially like to play at such an event, you might already have a (partial) band of VIS folks, or you are not playing music yourself but would like to get involved in organizing VisRocks. Our current idea of VisRocks is to solicit a diverse set of musical styles, such as novel musical pieces, covers of existing pieces, or covers with transformed lyrics. But nothing is set in stone yet and we would love to discuss with you on how to go forward.
Thursday, October 25
10:40AM - 11:40AM
Location: Room 30310
Organizers: Michelle Borkin, Kelly Gaither, R. Jordan Crouser, and Meg Pirrung
Contact: m.borkin@northeastern.edu
Diversity of perspective is the key to innovation, but ensuring equal access requires concrete action. To this end, the members of the IEEE VIS 2018 Inclusivity & Diversity Committee invite you to this community forum to connect, share your experiences, and explore what it means to build an inclusive VIS community. (To learn more about Inclusivity & Diversity at VIS and its current initiatives, please visit: http://ieeevis.org/year/2018/info/inclusion-and-diversity/inclusivity)
Thursday, October 25
4:10PM - 6:00PM
Location: Estrel Room IV
Organizers: Anastasia Bezerianos, Jonathan Woodring and Weiwei Cui
Contact: community@ieeevis.org
As a complement to the Asynchronous Job Fair, we are organizing a job “speed-dating” meetup. Its goal is to bring together job seekers and employers in one venue to trade CV and employment information. Both job seekers and employers should attend with the expectation to be prepared with “low-tech” information, such as paper and flyers to exchange. If you are an interested job seeker, please bring your contact information to share, such as printed CVs, email addresses on notecards or business cards, for example. Likewise for employers, please be prepared with business cards, brochure, and other paper-based information.
Thursday, October 25
4:20PM - 6:00PM
Location: NOW: Room 30341
Organizers: Caroline Goulard, Ludovic Riffault
Contact: contact@dataveyes.com
Whatever your dataset is about, visual metaphors are a great help to build visualizations of data that embody the subject. The purpose of this workshop is to show to participants the power of visual forms, but also their complexity. Indeed, for a single representation, users can associate different connotations, which totally change the identity of the project. Same thing for a pattern, that can be read in various ways (as in the Rorschach test). Together with the participants we will have a playful workshop, figuring out the associations of spontaneous ideas caused by visualizations, and the possibilities to render a particular subject based on real data. http://visap.net/workshop
Thursday, October 25
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Conv 1, Sec D
Organizers: Madison Elliott, Zoya Bylinskii, Christine Nothelfer, Cindy Xiong and Danielle Albers Szafir
Contact: danielle.szafir@colorado.edu
Vision science provides both an empirical basis for techniques and design practices in visualization and a suite of methods and approaches for understanding visualizations—including what data trends people see, what statistics they extract, and what they ultimately remember. Visualization provides a real world platform for vision scientists to investigate how our perceptual and cognitive systems interpret visualized information and problems for understanding how we transform visual information to knowledge. Come meet with visualization and vision science experts to share cutting edge research at this growing interdisciplinary intersection! We will engage in lightning talks and open discussion, which provide an opportunity to ask questions, share new research ideas, and extend your professional networks. All are welcome, and interested presenters can submit an abstract for a 2-3 minute “lightning talk” about their latest work by September 21, 2018.
Thursday, October 25
6:15 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Estrel Hall C
Organizers: Jason Dykes
Contact: veloclubdevis@gmail.com
A chance for VIS cyclists to discuss cycling and to prepare and sign in for Le Tour de VIS - the IEEE VIS post-conference road ride. https://www.gicentre.net/velo-club-rides/
More information on this year VIS bike ride to come, stay tuned!
Thursday, October 25
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Estrel Room IV
Organizers: Bongshin Lee, Liz Marai, Danielle Albers Szafir, Kate Isaacs, Cagatay Turkay, and Sheelagh Carpendale
Contact: bongshin@microsoft.com
This meetup is being proposed as a follow-up discussion session to the breakout group discussion at the BIRS Workshop, “Restructuring VIS for the Future,” held in June 2018. In this meetup, we will discuss broader types of contributions with aims to promote a healthy growth of the visualization community, to increase intellectual diversity, and to better demonstrate the value and impact of visualization research. We fully acknowledge the value of the paper types (Munzner, 2008) to the community so far (in particular to the paper writing and reviewing process). However, we also note that paper types specify mostly the paper structure due to their prescriptive nature. Contribution types can give a broader scope to the types of papers that are considered acceptable (e.g., exciting and emerging research that does not fit exactly into a paper type) and can offer more transient and flexible criteria to evaluate visualization research. To facilitate initial discussion, we will provide a set of research contribution types with example papers, along with a brief review of contribution types in other research communities. While this would not be exhaustive it would serve as a good starting point. We will discuss the concrete next steps we can and should take to ensure a successful implantation and application of the research contribution types. We also plan to continue our discussion and communication with the meetup participants through a Slack channel.
Thursday, October 25
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: Room 30312
Organizers: Bei Wang
Contact: wang.bei@gmail.com
We would like to get to know women in vis in person; and more importantly, discussing a community effort to create a webpage that includes short descriptions of ALL women in vis, and a mailing list to serve as a place for information sharing, informal mentoring and community support.
Thursday, October 25
Location: Restaurant “Zur Gerichtslaube”, Poststraße 28, D-10178 Berlin
Organizers: Daniel Archambault, Andreas Kerren
Contact: d.w.archambault@swansea.ac.uk
Tired of bad food? Didn’t have something local when attending the conference and regretted it? Want the good scientific discussions to continue around a local specialty of the area? This meetup is designed to take participants to a restaurant serving good food that is a local specialty of the area. We aim for an accessible price so that anyone can attend. People can sign up (see below) on a first come first served basis. The audience should bring an interesting scientific topic to discuss at dinner. An appetite for local cuisine is also highly recommended.
Please register here!
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