During the VIS 2018 conference, the following service awards were granted:
James Ahrens
For his service as General Chair of the 2017 IEEE Visualization conference
Terry Yoo
For his service as General Chair of the 2016 IEEE Visualization conference
Maxine Brown
For her service as General Chair of the 2015 IEEE Visualization conference
Michael E. Papka
For his service as General Chair of the 2015 IEEE Visualization conference
Gautam Chaudhary
For his 9-year service as Program Chair for the IEEE Visualization
Maria Velez
For her 9-year service as Finance Chair for the IEEE Visualization
Meghan Haley
For her 11-year service as Publication & Project Coordinator of the
IEEE Visualization conference and for keeping a high professional
standard of the VIS proceedings
Loretta Auvil
For her 21-year service as Finance Chair for the IEEE Visualization
conference and VGTC
Klaus Mueller
For numerous longstanding and major contributions to the IEEE-CS that
have significantly advanced the field of visualization including service
as Chairman of the VGTC and Chairman of the IEEE VIS Conference.
Tamara Munzner
For her 6-year service as Chair of the IEEE Visualization conference
Executive Committee that significantly shaped both the conference and
the community
Social media