The most common abstraction used by visualization libraries and applications today is what is known as the visualization pipeline. The visualization pipeline provides a mechanism to encapsulate algorithms and then couple them together in a variety of ways. The visualization pipeline has been in existence for over 20 years, and over this time many variations and improvements have been proposed. This paper provides a literature review of the most prevalent features of visualization pipelines and some of the most recent research directions.
Visualizing complex volume data usually renders selected parts of the volume semitransparently to see inner structures of the volume or provide a context. This presents a challenge for volume rendering methods to produce images with unambiguous depth-ordering perception. Existing methods use visual cues such as halos and shadows to enhance depth perception. Along with other limitations, these methods introduce redundant information and require additional overhead. This paper presents a new approach to enhancing depth-ordering perception of volume rendered images without using additional visual cues. We set up an energy function based on quantitative perception models to measure the quality of the images in terms of the effectiveness of depth-ordering and transparency perception as well as the faithfulness of the information revealed. Guided by the function, we use a conjugate gradient method to iteratively and judiciously enhance the results. Our method can complement existing systems for enhancing volume rendering results. The experimental results demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our approach.
We introduce a lighting system that enhances the visual cues in a rendered image for the perception of 3D volumetric objects. We divide the lighting effects into global and local effects, and deploy three types of directional lights: the key light and accessory lights (fill and detail lights). The key light provides both lighting effects and carries the visual cues for the perception of local and global shapes and depth. The cues for local shapes are conveyed by gradient; those for global shapes are carried by shadows; and those for depth are provided by shadows and translucent objects. Fill lights produce global effects to increase the perceptibility. Detail lights generate local effects to improve the cues for local shapes. Our method quantifies the perception and uses an exhaustive search to set the lights. It configures accessory lights with the consideration of preserving the global impression conveyed by the key light. It ensures the feeling of smooth light movements in animations. With simplification, it achieves interactive frame rates and produces results that are visually indistinguishable from results using the nonsimplified algorithm. The major contributions of this paper are our lighting system, perception measurement and lighting design algorithm with our indistinguishable simplification.
We propose an approach for verification of volume rendering correctness based on an analysis of the volume rendering integral, the basis of most DVR algorithms. With respect to the most common discretization of this continuous model (Riemann summation), we make assumptions about the impact of parameter changes on the rendered results and derive convergence curves describing the expected behavior. Specifically, we progressively refine the number of samples along the ray, the grid size, and the pixel size, and evaluate how the errors observed during refinement compare against the expected approximation errors. We derive the theoretical foundations of our verification approach, explain how to realize it in practice and discuss its limitations. We also report the errors identified by our approach when applied to two publicly-available volume rendering packages.
We present Grouper: an all-in-one compact file format, random-access data structure, and streamable representation for large triangle meshes. Similarly to the recently published SQuad representation, Grouper represents the geometry and connectivity of a mesh by grouping vertices and triangles into fixed-size records, most of which store two adjacent triangles and a shared vertex. Unlike SQuad, however, Grouper interleaves geometry with connectivity and uses a new connectivity representation to ensure that vertices and triangles can be stored in a coherent order that enables memory-efficient sequential stream processing. We present a linear-time construction algorithm that allows streaming out Grouper meshes using a small memory footprint while preserving the initial ordering of vertices. As part of this construction, we show how the problem of assigning vertices and triangles to groups reduces to a well-known NP-hard optimization problem, and present a simple yet effective heuristic solution that performs well in practice. Our array-based Grouper representation also doubles as a triangle mesh data structure that allows direct access to vertices and triangles. Storing only about two integer references per triangle, Grouper answers both incidence and adjacency queries in amortized constant time. Our compact representation enables data-parallel processing on multicore computers, instant partitioning and fast transmission for distributed processing, as well as efficient out-of-core access.
Streamline seeding rakes are widely used in vector field visualization. We present new approaches for calculating similarity between integral curves (streamlines and pathlines). While others have used similarity distance measures, the computational expense involved with existing techniques is relatively high due to the vast number of euclidean distance tests, restricting interactivity and their use for streamline seeding rakes. We introduce the novel idea of computing streamline signatures based on a set of curve-based attributes. A signature produces a compact representation for describing a streamline. Similarity comparisons are performed by using a popular statistical measure on the derived signatures. We demonstrate that this novel scheme, including a hierarchical variant, produces good clustering results and is computed over two orders of magnitude faster than previous methods. Similarity-based clustering enables filtering of the streamlines to provide a nonuniform seeding distribution along the seeding object. We show that this method preserves the overall flow behavior while using only a small subset of the original streamline set. We apply focus + context rendering using the clusters which allows for faster and easier analysis in cases of high visual complexity and occlusion. The method provides a high level of interactivity and allows the user to easily fine tune the clustering results at runtime while avoiding any time-consuming recomputation. Our method maintains interactive rates even when hundreds of streamlines are used.
Characterizing the interplay between the vortices and forces acting on a wind turbine's blades in a qualitative and quantitative way holds the potential for significantly improving large wind turbine design. This paper introduces an integrated pipeline for highly effective wind and force field analysis and visualization. We extract vortices induced by a turbine's rotation in a wind field, and characterize vortices in conjunction with numerically simulated forces on the blade surfaces as these vortices strike another turbine's blades downstream. The scientifically relevant issue to be studied is the relationship between the extracted, approximate locations on the blades where vortices strike the blades and the forces that exist in those locations. This integrated approach is used to detect and analyze turbulent flow that causes local impact on the wind turbine blade structure. The results that we present are based on analyzing the wind and force field data sets generated by numerical simulations, and allow domain scientists to relate vortex-blade interactions with power output loss in turbines and turbine life expectancy. Our methods have the potential to improve turbine design to save costs related to turbine operation and maintenance.
Currently, user centered transfer function design begins with the user interacting with a one or two-dimensional histogram of the volumetric attribute space. The attribute space is visualized as a function of the number of voxels, allowing the user to explore the data in terms of the attribute size/magnitude. However, such visualizations provide the user with no information on the relationship between various attribute spaces (e.g., density, temperature, pressure, x, y, z) within the multivariate data. In this work, we propose a modification to the attribute space visualization in which the user is no longer presented with the magnitude of the attribute; instead, the user is presented with an information metric detailing the relationship between attributes of the multivariate volumetric data. In this way, the user can guide their exploration based on the relationship between the attribute magnitude and user selected attribute information as opposed to being constrained by only visualizing the magnitude of the attribute. We refer to this modification to the traditional histogram widget as an abstract attribute space representation. Our system utilizes common one and two-dimensional histogram widgets where the bins of the abstract attribute space now correspond to an attribute relationship in terms of the mean, standard deviation, entropy, or skewness. In this manner, we exploit the relationships and correlations present in the underlying data with respect to the dimension(s) under examination. These relationships are often times key to insight and allow us to guide attribute discovery as opposed to automatic extraction schemes which try to calculate and extract distinct attributes a priori. In this way, our system aids in the knowledge discovery of the interaction of properties within volumetric data.
Investigators across many disciplines and organizations must sift through large collections of text documents to understand and piece together information. Whether they are fighting crime, curing diseases, deciding what car to buy, or researching a new field, inevitably investigators will encounter text documents. Taking a visual analytics approach, we integrate multiple text analysis algorithms with a suite of interactive visualizations to provide a flexible and powerful environment that allows analysts to explore collections of documents while sensemaking. Our particular focus is on the process of integrating automated analyses with interactive visualizations in a smooth and fluid manner. We illustrate this integration through two example scenarios: An academic researcher examining InfoVis and VAST conference papers and a consumer exploring car reviews while pondering a purchase decision. Finally, we provide lessons learned toward the design and implementation of visual analytics systems for document exploration and understanding.
We present Bristle Maps, a novel method for the aggregation, abstraction, and stylization of spatiotemporal data that enables multiattribute visualization, exploration, and analysis. This visualization technique supports the display of multidimensional data by providing users with a multiparameter encoding scheme within a single visual encoding paradigm. Given a set of geographically located spatiotemporal events, we approximate the data as a continuous function using kernel density estimation. The density estimation encodes the probability that an event will occur within the space over a given temporal aggregation. These probability values, for one or more set of events, are then encoded into a bristle map. A bristle map consists of a series of straight lines that extend from, and are connected to, linear map elements such as roads, train, subway lines, and so on. These lines vary in length, density, color, orientation, and transparencyâcreating the multivariate attribute encoding scheme where event magnitude, change, and uncertainty can be mapped as various bristle parameters. This approach increases the amount of information displayed in a single plot and allows for unique designs for various information schemes. We show the application of our bristle map encoding scheme using categorical spatiotemporal police reports. Our examples demonstrate the use of our technique for visualizing data magnitude, variable comparisons, and a variety of multivariate attribute combinations. To evaluate the effectiveness of our bristle map, we have conducted quantitative and qualitative evaluations in which we compare our bristle map to conventional geovisualization techniques. Our results show that bristle maps are competitive in completion time and accuracy of tasks with various levels of complexity.
Community structure is an important characteristic of many real networks, which shows high concentrations of edges within special groups of vertices and low concentrations between these groups. Community related graph analysis, such as discovering relationships among communities, identifying attribute-structure relationships, and selecting a large number of vertices with desired structural features and attributes, are common tasks in knowledge discovery in such networks. The clutter and the lack of interactivity often hinder efforts to apply traditional graph visualization techniques in these tasks. In this paper, we propose PIWI, a novel graph visual analytics approach to these tasks. Instead of using Node-Link Diagrams (NLDs), PIWI provides coordinated, uncluttered visualizations, and novel interactions based on graph community structure. The novel features, applicability, and limitations of this new technique have been discussed in detail. A set of case studies and preliminary user studies have been conducted with real graphs containing thousands of vertices, which provide supportive evidence about the usefulness of PIWI in community related tasks.
The Five Ws is a popular concept for information gathering in journalistic reporting. It captures all aspects of a story or incidence: who, when, what, where, and why. We propose a framework composed of a suite of cooperating visual information displays to represent the Five Ws and demonstrate its use within a healthcare informatics application. Here, the who is the patient, the where is the patient's body, and the when, what, why is a reasoning chain which can be interactively sorted and brushed. The patient is represented as a radial sunburst visualization integrated with a stylized body map. This display captures all health conditions of the past and present to serve as a quick overview to the interrogating physician. The reasoning chain is represented as a multistage flow chart, composed of date, symptom, data, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. Our system seeks to improve the usability of information captured in the electronic medical record (EMR) and we show via multiple examples that our framework can significantly lower the time and effort needed to access the medical patient information required to arrive at a diagnostic conclusion.
Natural image statistics is an important area of research in cognitive sciences and computer vision. Visualization of statistical results can help identify clusters and anomalies as well as analyze deviation, distribution, and correlation. Furthermore, they can provide visual abstractions and symbolism for categorized data. In this paper, we begin our study of visualization of image statistics by considering visual representations of power spectra, which are commonly used to visualize different categories of images. We show that they convey a limited amount of statistical information about image categories and their support for analytical tasks is ineffective. We then introduce several new visual representations, which convey different or more information about image statistics. We apply ANOVA to the image statistics to help select statistically more meaningful measurements in our design process. A task-based user evaluation was carried out to compare the new visual representations with the conventional power spectra plots. Based on the results of the evaluation, we made further improvement of visualizations by introducing composite visual representations of image statistics.
Scatterplots remain a powerful tool to visualize multidimensional data. However, accurately understanding the shape of multidimensional points from 2D projections remains challenging due to overlap. Consequently, there are a lot of variations on the scatterplot as a visual metaphor for this limitation. An important aspect often overlooked in scatterplots is the issue of sensitivity or local trend, which may help in identifying the type of relationship between two variables. However, it is not well known how or what factors influence the perception of trends from 2D scatterplots. To shed light on this aspect, we conducted an experiment where we asked people to directly draw the perceived trends on a 2D scatterplot. We found that augmenting scatterplots with local sensitivity helps to fill the gaps in visual perception while retaining the simplicity and readability of a 2D scatterplot. We call this augmentation the generalized sensitivity scatterplot (GSS). In a GSS, sensitivity coefficients are visually depicted as flow lines, which give a sense of continuity and orientation of the data that provide cues about the way data points are scattered in a higher dimensional space. We introduce a series of glyphs and operations that facilitate the analysis of multidimensional data sets using GSS, and validate with a number of well-known data sets for both regression and classification tasks.
We introduce Splatterplots, a novel presentation of scattered data that enables visualizations that scale beyond standard scatter plots. Traditional scatter plots suffer from overdraw (overlapping glyphs) as the number of points per unit area increases. Overdraw obscures outliers, hides data distributions, and makes the relationship among subgroups of the data difficult to discern. To address these issues, Splatterplots abstract away information such that the density of data shown in any unit of screen space is bounded, while allowing continuous zoom to reveal abstracted details. Abstraction automatically groups dense data points into contours and samples remaining points. We combine techniques for abstraction with perceptually based color blending to reveal the relationship between data subgroups. The resulting visualizations represent the dense regions of each subgroup of the data set as smooth closed shapes and show representative outliers explicitly. We present techniques that leverage the GPU for Splatterplot computation and rendering, enabling interaction with massive data sets. We show how Splatterplots can be an effective alternative to traditional methods of displaying scatter data communicating data trends, outliers, and data set relationships much like traditional scatter plots, but scaling to data sets of higher density and up to millions of points on the screen.
We present KelpFusion: a method for depicting set membership of items on a map or other visualization using continuous boundaries. KelpFusion is a hybrid representation that bridges hull techniques such as Bubble Sets and Euler diagrams and line- and graph-based techniques such as LineSets and Kelp Diagrams. We describe an algorithm based on shortest-path graphs to compute KelpFusion visualizations. Based on a single parameter, the shortest-path graph varies from the minimal spanning tree to the convex hull of a point set. Shortest-path graphs aim to capture the shape of a point set and smoothly adapt to sets of varying densities. KelpFusion fills enclosed faces based on a set of simple legibility rules. We present the results of a controlled experiment comparing KelpFusion to Bubble Sets and LineSets. We conclude that KelpFusion outperforms Bubble Sets both in accuracy and completion time and outperforms LineSets in completion time.
Visualization techniques often use color to present categorical differences to a user. When selecting a color palette, the perceptual qualities of color need careful consideration. Large coherent groups visually suppress smaller groups and are often visually dominant in images. This paper introduces the concept of class visibility used to quantitatively measure the utility of a color palette to present coherent categorical structure to the user. We present a color optimization algorithm based on our class visibility metric to make categorical differences clearly visible to the user. We performed two user experiments on user preference and visual search to validate our visibility measure over a range of color palettes. The results indicate that visibility is a robust measure, and our color optimization can increase the effectiveness of categorical data visualizations.