The IEEE VIS 2013 Arts Program showcases high-quality artwork and research that demonstrates and investigates the exciting and increasingly prominent intersections between art and visualization. This year, we are expanding the scope of the Arts Program by including a dedicated Arts Program papers track along with the conference art show. The theme for the 2013 Arts Program is Art+Experiment. We invited artists and researchers to think about the connections and chasms between art and research, and to explore the nature of experimental design and creative experimentation.
Arts Program Chairs
Angus Forbes, University of Arizona
Lauren Thorson, University of Iowa
Art+Experiment: Introducing the IEEE VIS 2013 Arts Program
Angus Forbes and Lauren Thorson
Parallel-Coordinates Art
Julian Heinrich and Daniel Weiskopf
TweetProbe: A Real-Time Microblog Stream Visualization Framework
Byungkyu Kang and George Legrady and Tobias Hollerer
Spirograph Designs for Ambient Display of Tweets
Ye Lin and Romain Vuillemot
Medieval Information Visualization
Francis T. Marchese
Art - Science - Visualization Collaborations: Examining the Spectrum
Francesca Samsel
Art and Science as Creative Catalysts
Eleanor Gates-Stuart and Chuong Nguyen and Matt Adcock and Jay Bradley and Matthew Morell and David R. Lovell
DataRemix: Designing The Datamade Through ArtScience Collaboration
Ruth West and Roger Malina and John Lewis and Scot Gresham-Lancaster and Alejandro Borsani and Brian Merlo and Lifan Wang
XEPA: Intelligent Sculptures as Experimental Platforms for Computational Aesthetic Evaluation
Philip Galanter
Time Giver: An Installation of Collective Expression using Mobile PPG and EEG in the AlloSphere
Yuan-Yi Fan and F. Myles Sciotto and JoAnn Kuchera-Morin
TYPE + CODE II: A Code Driven Typography
Yeohyun Ahn and Ge Jin
Salton Sea Revisited: An Aesthetic Study of Realtime Lapse
Xarene Eskander