Visualization Pioneers Group (VPG)

IEEE Computer Society Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (vgTC) has recently established the IEEE Visualization Pioneers Group (VPG, http://www.vgtc.org/vpg.html). VPG will host its first member exclusive reception on Monday, Oct 14 at the SEAR Restaurant Atlanta (http://www.searatlanta.com/) located at the IEEE VIS 2013 conference hotel. To become a member of the VPG, one simply needs to have at least 20 years of contributions to some aspect of visualization and visual analytics. The membership fee is $US 50.00 per year and will be collected at the door of the reception. Additionally, there will be a VPG promotional table set up at the IEEE VIS conference lobby on Monday to accept membership applications. VPG will accept only U.S. bank checks or U.S. dollars for the membership dues.

Walk-ins are welcome, but to help with head count, we ask that you send an email to vpg@vgtc.org in advance (by October 7, 2013).

We look forward to meeting all the members at the VPG reception.

Please mark it on your calendar:
Time: 6pm
Date: Monday, October 14, 2013
Location: SEAR Restaurant Atlanta, 265 Peachtree Center Ave., Atlanta, GA.