Call for Entries // Call for Papers
The IEEE VIS 2013 Arts Program showcases high-quality artwork and research that demonstrates and investigates the exciting and increasingly prominent intersections between art and visualization. This year, we are expanding the scope of the Arts Program by including a dedicated Arts Program papers track along with the conference art show. The theme for the 2013 Arts Program is Art+Experiment. We invite artists and researchers to think about the connections and chasms between art and research, and to explore the nature of experimental design and creative experimentation.
Please visit http://w3.sista.arizona.edu/VISAP2013/ for detailed information about the Arts Program, including the Call for Entries (art show track) and the Call for Papers (papers track). Submissions to both the papers track and the art show track are due on July 22nd, 2013 at 5pm PDT.
Contact the Arts Program chairs, Angus Forbes (angus.forbes(at)sista.arizona.edu) and Lauren Thorson (lauren-thorson(at)uiowa.edu), for further information.