The premier forum for advances in visualization and visual analytics
Welcome to IEEE VIS 2024!
IEEE VIS 2024 will be the year’s premier forum for advances in theory, methods, and applications of visualization and visual analytics. The conference will convene an international community of researchers and practitioners from universities, government, and industry to exchange recent findings on the design and use of visualization tools.
We invite you to share your research, insights, and enthusiasm at IEEE VIS. In addition to the main program, IEEE VIS 2024 will also feature a diverse range of symposia and co-located events.
VIS 2024 General Chairs
Paul Rosen, University of Utah
Kristi Potter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Remco Chang, Tufts University
This year, VIS 2024 is Virtual! For tips on using this website for accessing content, including live streams, recordings, PDFs, and other associated content, watch the following video.
Follow @ieeevis on X (Twitter), the IEEE VIS page on Facebook, or sign up to our mailing list to keep up with conference activities and announcements.
Questions? E-mail info@ieeevis.org

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