IEEE Vis Townhall

As part of IEEE VIS’s ongoing efforts to engage with our community, the IEEE VIS governance bodies are seeking feedback from the VIS community!

Join us from 12:00PM to 1:30PM Wednesday October 16th at Room TBD, and via streaming.

Learn more about what the IEEE VIS governing bodies took on as priorities for VIS 2024 and come suggest priorities for the IEEE VIS governing bodies to address as we move towards VIS 2024. All members of the VIS community are welcome!

Questions from the community are welcome during the townhall. A larger update on various other committees can be found here.

Townhall Agenda

12:00PM - 12:10PM

  • update of work of VIS steering commitee (VSC) (TBD)
  • update of the VIS executive commitee (VEC) (TBD)

12:10PM - 12:30PM

  • Integrity issues and the paper reviewing process (Overall Paper Chairs) (Niklas Elmqvist, Tamara Munzner, Holger Theisel)

12:30PM - 1:00PM

  • Panel -