IEEE VIS 2018 is over. We had a week full of great presentations, intense discussions, and great food in an extraordinary environment. We had a record attendance (1265 participants), a record number of presented full papers, and a record interest from sponsors and supporters. We had very inspiring keynote and capstone presentations by Dieter Schmalstieg and Joachim Buhmann, and we had an extraordinary conference banquet. We would like to thank:
The VIS Organizing Committee for doing a great job during the last year, as well as the many reviewers, organizers of side events and all other volunteers who contributed to organizing this conference.
The VIS Core committee for having a tight and trustful collaboration, during the last weeks almost on a daily basis. We are already missing you.
The student volunteers for doing a great job and being always there when we needed them.
The supporters of the conference: 3DInteractive GmbH, ADOBE, Bayer, Bosch, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), DFG (German Research Foundation), Disney Research, DKRZ, Domeprojection, Fraunhofer IGD, giCentre, Georgia Tech, Google, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, IBM, Intel, IVU, KAUST, Kitware, MDPI, Microsoft Research, Moovel Lab, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, NSF, Parisian design school ENSAD, Parsons School of Design, Pix4D, PUNCH Cyber Analytics Group, Siemens, Springer Nature, Tableau Software, think-cell, University of Arizona, University of Magdeburg, University of Maryland College Park, SCI Institute Utah, TAAC, VRVis.
The University of Magdeburg for acting as financial co-sponsor. In particular we thank Janine Zöllner (for solving all problems at the registration desk always with a friendly smile), Janos Zimmermann (for extreme fast web mastering, being at the registration desk, and many more), Tim Gerrits (for keeping good and close contact to the student volunteers), Stefanie Quade and Petra Schumann (for all the office work, including many financial transactions and writing plenty of Visa letters), Thomas Rosenburg and Heiko Dorwarth (for technical support), Carola Lehmann (for giving support from the Faculty of Computer Science), Ellen Ziepel and Christoph Krause (University finance department, for making things possible that the University has never done before), and Yvonne Burscheit (University law department, for checking all the contracts that Magdeburg University has signed for this conference). We are proud of our University giving so much support.
The Estrel Hotel for being an extremely fair, reliable, and open-minded business partner. In particular we thank Mirko Harrison-Gall (for working with us on the project VIS 2018 for more than 3 years now, and being patient, professional, responsive and trustworthy all the time), Patrick Kranz and Stephan Plage (from the Estrel AV company for giving us a great sound, light, and projection), Marc Horn (for managing the hotel rooms), Katharina Domke and Remigiusz Przytarski (for being constantly there for us and finding creative solutions for lots of last-minute requests and problems). This was far above usual business.
Come to IEEE VIS 2019 in Vancouver!
Holger Theisel and Petra Specht
(VIS 2018 General Chair and Coordinating Chair)
IEEE VIS is the worldwide largest and most important conference on Scientific Visualization, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. It is the premier forum for advances in visualization in academia, science, government, industry, and beyond.
The IEEE VIS conference comes - for the second time - to Europe! Berlin is one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in Europe. It offers many cultural highlights, historic sites, touristic sightseeing as well as plenty of restaurants and entertainment around. Explore this unique city along with attending IEEE VIS! Despite being a hotspot, hotel and restaurant prices are still rather affordable in Berlin.
The conference will be held 21-26 October 2018 in the Estrel Hotel Berlin. It will include programs for students, academics, artists, industry and commercial practitioners, government researchers, and anyone with interests in visualization and data analytics. In recent years, the conference attracted more than 1000 participants from dozens of countries to a week of research presentations, tutorials, workshops, panels, demonstrations, posters and exhibitions.
We invite you to participate in IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis), and IEEE Scientific Visualization (SciVis), or one of the many additional events by sharing your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm.
VIS 2018 General Chair
Holger Theisel, University of Magdeburg
Follow @ieeevis to keep up with conference activities and announcements.
Questions? E-mail info(at)ieeevis.org
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