Technical Information for Recording your Talk

Please read the following instructions carefully for guidelines on preparing your video recordings for VIS 2021, or a VIS 2021 associated event. You will need the following information in order to prepare your recorded Presentation Videos as well as your Video Preview if required.

Work must be submitted via IEEE CPS by 5:00pm Pacific Time (PDT) on the dates listed below. Video Previews: Main Events: Aug. 15 Associated Events: Sept. 1

Presentation Videos: Full/Short Papers: Sept. 8 Posters/Symposia: Sept. 15 Workshops: Sept. 22

IEEE Visualization 2021 is a fully virtual conference

Presentations at IEEE Vis 2021 will consist largely of the streaming of prerecorded videos with small live interaction components. Live presentations will be reserved for special scenarios (e.g., a keynote presentation, short opening or closing by the chairs). The majority of talks and sessions should be prerecorded to avoid potential issues impacting the event (e.g., networking, time zones, etc.).

Only those answering questions or facilitating the session will be in the interactive Zoom call Watching the session will be done through embedded content available on the IEEE Visualization 2021 Web Page. Questions by the audience will be asked over, a chat application seamlessly embedded in the web page. Session chairs will relay questions on to the speaker(s) on the Zoom call. Discord and GatherTown options will be available for socializing or discussions.

Video previews are a great opportunity to publicize your work or event to a wide audience. Video previews are accessible from the conference website on the VIS Vimeo channel prior to, during, and after the conference.

IEEE Visualization allows authors to release their video preview on websites and any social media platform prior to the conference, but authors should not release their presentation videos to the public until AFTER the conference. Do not upload them to YouTube, they may conflict with the conference uploads.

Terminology used in this document:

  • Session Chair: an individual who keeps presenters on time and moderates Q&A
  • Contributors: individuals who are speaking and presenting in the Zoom call
  • Attendee: individuals viewing the event via the Youtube stream. Attendees can post questions through a chat application (Discord, Youtube chat) which can be monitored by the Session Chair and relayed to the Contributors.
  • Time Slot: A time during your event where something happens that requires Zoom and Youtube, e.g., a live or recorded presentation is given, an interactive panel, etc.
  • Session: A session consists of one or more time slots, e.g., a set of paper presentations, a single keynote talk. Longer events may consist of multiple sessions, separated by breaks. Each session will have its own Youtube stream, Zoom call, and Q&A or discussion channels.

Technical Information for Recordings

Your submission consists of two pieces:

  1. Video Preview
    • A 25-second video that clearly communicates the research and contribution, inviting readers to read your paper.
    • Must be self-contained.
    • Despite recent years’ Fast-Forwards sessions, we discourage humor and trailer-like ‘ads’ because the video will exist for a long time and can be shared widely by the authors on social media and other channels.
    • Should contain audio narration. However, we discourage background music and request that the video focuses viewers’ attention on the content.
    • Subtitles will be automatically generated in order to increase accessibility.
  2. Presentation Video
    • Must follow the formatting described below.

Guidance for creating both and requirements for file encoding and naming are provided below. Videos will be streamed live to YouTube and the YouTube video is embedded in the conference website during the conference, please make sure your videos do not contain copyrighted audio or video content.

##Presentation Length

  • VIS Video Previews: 25 seconds, Maximum file size: 50MB
  • VIS Full Papers: the maximum length of your talk is 15 minutes, including questions. We recommend a 12 minute talk with 3 minutes for questions. At least 1 minute must be left for questions.
  • VIS Short Papers: the maximum length of your talk is 10 minutes, including questions. We recommend a 7 minute talk with 3 minutes for questions. At least 1 minute must be left for questions
  • Associated Events: please consult your associated event for information.

Recorded Videos Format

Recorded videos played during your event (e.g., paper presentations) must be formatted and named following the VIS talk recording guidelines.

To make full use of the 16x9 video aspect ratio we recommend using the 16x9 wide format Powerpoint template: Download the VIS 2020 Powerpoint template here.

All video submissions must meet the following requirements:

  • 1920x1080 resolution at 30FPS
  • Maximum Size:
    • 50MB for Video Previews
    • 500MB for VIS Full and Short papers
    • Associated event talk sizes and lengths may vary, please see your associated event for details
  • MPEG-4 using H.264 encoding (file extension is .mp4)
  • Audio: We discourage salient music to focus viewers’ attention on the content. If you want to have music, you must certify that any audio is free from copyright or that you are licensed to use it.
  • Naming:
    • Files must be named following the _.mp4 convention, see details below
    • Each file must be associated with a specific Time Slot during your event via its unique identifier so that it can be played at the appropriate time
  • Verification:
    • To encode/re-encode your video in the right format, you can use the free software Handbrake
    • To check that your video is in the right format, you can use the free software MediaInfo

File Naming Convention

  • Videos submitted through IEEE CPS: please follow the guidance on IEEE CPS when naming your submission materials.

  • Other associated events, workshops, tutorials: Your video file must be named following a <shortname>_<uniqueidentifier>.mp4 convention. The prefix is assigned based on the track or event your video is included in. For the the short name prefix please find your event or track in the tables below. Your event organizers will send information about the unique identifier.

Recording Your Talk

We recommend using OBS Studio to record your presentation, which is free and cross-platform. If you are familiar with other recording software please feel free to use it instead. Watch our tutorial on Youtube or via direct download for a guide on how to use OBS Studio to record your talk, should you choose to use it. Please also see our guide for information on recording a compelling and high-quality talk. We do not recommend using Powerpoint’s built in recording since the recording is done per-slide, so if you speak during a slide transition the audio will not be recorded. These issues can be tough to catch and fix.

After recording your talk, please rewatch it to ensure the video and audio are recorded correctly.

Conference Track and Associated Event Short Name Prefixes

VIS Paper Tracks Short Name Prefix
VAST f-vast
Info Vis f-info
SciVis f-scivis
TVCG f-tvcg
CG & A f-cga
Short Papers (VAST, Info Vis, SciVis) s-short
Associated Events Short Name Prefix
VIS Arts Program a-arts
VisInPractice a-vip
VizSec a-vizsec
VDS a-vds
VIS4DH a-vis4dh
VISxAI a-visxai
Large Data Analysis and Visualization a-ldav
BELIV a-beliv
VAST Challenge a-vastchallenge
SciVis Contest a-sciviscontest
BioVis Challenge a-biovischallenge
Tutorials Short Name Prefix
Visualization Analysis and Design t-analysisdesign
Color Basics for Creating Visualizations t-colorbasics
Scientific Visualization in Houdini t-scivishoudini
Topological Data Analysis Made Easy with the Topology Toolkit t-ttk
ParaView Tutorial t-paraview
Theory and Application of Visualization Color Tools and Strategies t-theorycolortools
How to Make Your Empirical Research Transparent t-empiricaltransparent
Artifact Based Rendering: VR Visualization by Hand t-artifactvr
Workshops Short Name Prefix
Fail Fest w-failfest
MLUI 2020 w-mlui
MoVis w-movis
TREX w-trex
VisActivities w-activities
Visualization in Astrophysics w-astrophysics
VisComm w-comm
Vis Futures w-futures
VisGuides w-guides
IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Psychology w-psychology
Application Spotlights Short Name Prefix
Challenges in the Visualization of Bioelectric Fields for Cardiac and Neural Research l-bio
Recent Challenges in Medical Visualization l-med
Opportunities and Challenges in Cosmology Visualization l-cosmo
The Role of Visualization in Industrial Production l-industrial

For questions or more information, please email

Technical Committee

  • Will Usher, SCI Institute, University of Utah
  • Alexander Bock, Linköping University
  • Micha Schwab, Google