Cultivating Climate Action Through Multi-Institutional Collaboration: Innovative Data Visualization Educational Programs and Exhibits for Public Engagement
Beth Altringer Eagle - Brown University, Providence, United States. Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, United States
Elisabeth Sylvan - Harvard University, Cambridge, United States
Room: Esplanade Suites I + II + III
2024-10-14T12:30:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page

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This paper details the development and implementation of a collaborative exhibit at Boston’s Museum of Science showcasing interactive data visualizations designed to educate the public on global sustainability and urban environmental concerns. Supported by cross-institutional collaboration, the exhibit provided a rich real-world learning opportunity for students, resulting in a set of public-facing educational resources that informed visitors of global sustainability concerns through the lens of a local municipality. The realization of this project was made possible only by a close collaboration between a municipality, science museum and academic partners, all who committed their expertise and resources at both leadership and implementation team levels.This initiative highlights the value of cross- institutional collaboration to ignite the transformative potential of interactive visualizations in driving public engagement of local and global sustainability issues. Focusing on promoting sustainability and enhancing community well-being, this initiative highlights the potential of cross-institutional collaboration and locally-relevant interactive data visualizations to educate, inspire action, and foster community engagement in addressing climate change and urban sustainability.