Engaging Data-Art: Conducting a Public Hands-On Workshop
Jonathan C Roberts - Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom
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Room: Esplanade Suites I + II + III
2024-10-13T14:15:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page

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Data-art blends visualisation, data science, and artistic expression. It allows people to transform information and data into exciting and interesting visual narratives.Hosting a public data-art hands-on workshop enables participants to engage with data and learn fundamental visualisation techniques. However, being a public event, it presents a range of challenges. We outline our approach to organising and conducting a public workshop, that caters to a wide age range, from children to adults. We divide the tutorial into three sections, focusing on data, sketching skills and visualisation. We place emphasis on public engagement, and ensure that participants have fun while learning new skills.