Developing a Robust Cartography Curriculum to Train the Professional Cartographer
Jonathan Nelson - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States
P. William Limpisathian - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States
Robert Roth - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States
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Room: Esplanade Suites I + II + III
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In this paper, we discuss our experiences advancing a professional-oriented graduate program in Cartography & GIScience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to account for fundamental shifts in conceptual framings, rapidly evolving mapping technologies, and diverse student needs. We focus our attention on considerations for the cartography curriculum given its relevance to (geo)visualization education and map literacy. We reflect on challenges associated with, and lessons learned from, developing a comprehensive and cohesive cartography curriculum across in-person and online learning modalities for a wide range of professional student audiences.