IEEE VIS 2024 Content: An Empirically Grounded Approach for Designing Shape Palettes

An Empirically Grounded Approach for Designing Shape Palettes

Chin Tseng - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, United States

Arran Zeyu Wang - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, United States

Ghulam Jilani Quadri - University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States

Danielle Albers Szafir - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, United States

Room: Bayshore II

2024-10-16T18:21:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
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We present a web-based shape recommendation tool based on our empirical studies. Users can input their target category number and preferred shape, and the tool will provide a shape palette based on a pairwise distance model between shapes generated using our experimental results. The output shape palette can also be modified by swapping out certain shapes, which the system will replace using data-driven recommendations.
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Categorical perception, shape perception, multiclass scatterplots, visualization effectiveness, quantitative study


Shape is commonly used to distinguish between categories in multi-class scatterplots. However, existing guidelines for choosing effective shape palettes rely largely on intuition and do not consider how these needs may change as the number of categories increases. Unlike color, shapes can not be represented by a numerical space, making it difficult to propose general guidelines or design heuristics for using shape effectively. This paper presents a series of four experiments evaluating the efficiency of 39 shapes across three tasks: relative mean judgment tasks, expert preference, and correlation estimation. Our results show that conventional means for reasoning about shapes, such as filled versus unfilled, are insufficient to inform effective palette design. Further, even expert palettes vary significantly in their use of shape and corresponding effectiveness. To support effective shape palette design, we developed a model based on pairwise relations between shapes in our experiments and the number of shapes required for a given design. We embed this model in a palette design tool to give designers agency over shape selection while incorporating empirical elements of perceptual performance captured in our study. Our model advances understanding of shape perception in visualization contexts and provides practical design guidelines that can help improve categorical data encodings.