A Generic Interactive Membership Function for Categorization of Quantities
Liqun Liu -
Romain Vuillemot -
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DOI: 10.1109/MCG.2023.3301449
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Data Visualization, Uncertainty, Prototypes, Fuzzy Logic, Image Color Analysis, Fuzzy Sets, Open Source Software, General Function, Membership Function, User Study, Classification Process, Fuzzy Logic, Quantitative Values, Visualization Techniques, Amount Of Type, Fuzzy Theory, General Interaction, Temperature Dataset, Interaction Techniques, Carbon Dioxide, Computation Time, Rule Based, Web Page, Real World Scenarios, Fuzzy Set, Domain Experts, Supercritical CO 2, Parallel Coordinates, Fuzzy System, Fuzzy Clustering, Interactive Visualization, Amount Of Items, Large Scale Problems
The membership function is to categorize quantities along with a confidence degree. This article investigates a generic user interaction based on this function for categorizing various types of quantities without modification, which empowers users to articulate uncertainty categorization and enhance their visual data analysis significantly. We present the technique design and an online prototype, supplementing with insights from three case studies that highlight the technique’s efficacy among different types of quantities. Furthermore, we conduct a formal user study to scrutinize the process and reasoning users employ while utilizing our technique. The findings indicate that our technique can help users create customized categories. Both our code and the interactive prototype are made available as open-source resources, intended for application across varied domains as a generic tool.