Prerecorded video (VAST Challenge submission ID 1024)
Ethan Wei - Texas Tech University, Lubbock, United States
Tommy Dang - Texas Tech Univeristy, Lubbock, United States
Room: Bayshore II
2024-10-13T12:30:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
To solve the 2024 VAST Challenge MC3, we use PageRank and different filtering techniques to select nodes or components of interest. We then use TimeArc, a data visualization technique to visualize the evolution of the corporate structure of these nodes and serve as a tool to investigate and confirm this suspicious behavior. We used these techniques to investigate many nodes including the given SouthSeafood Express Corp that was involved in illegal activity. We discovered a few key features associated with anomalous nodes such as instances of founding shell companies and large power transfers.