IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Out-of-Core Dimensionality Reduction for Large Data via Out-of-Sample Extensions

Out-of-Core Dimensionality Reduction for Large Data via Out-of-Sample Extensions

Luca Marcel Reichmann - Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

David Hägele - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Daniel Weiskopf - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Room: Bayshore II

2024-10-13T16:00:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
The projections show the results of dimensionality reduction using the out-of-sample approach with data sets containing up to 50 million data points. In each column, the sizes of the reference set are increased. The size used for creating the initial reference projection are shown by the number above each plot. We show the results for popular dimensionality reduction techniques: MDS, PCA, t-SNE, UMAP, and autoencoder. The projections are evaluated using various quality metrics.
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Dimensionality reduction (DR) is a well-established approach for the visualization of high-dimensional data sets. While DR methods are often applied to typical DR benchmark data sets in the literature, they might suffer from high runtime complexity and memory requirements, making them unsuitable for large data visualization especially in environments outside of high-performance computing. To perform DR on large data sets, we propose the use of out-of-sample extensions.Such extensions allow inserting new data into existing projections, which we leverage to iteratively project data into a reference projection that consists only of a small manageable subset. This process makes it possible to perform DR out-of-core on large data, which would otherwise not be possible due to memory and runtime limitations. For metric multidimensional scaling (MDS), we contribute an implementation with out-of-sample projection capability since typical software libraries do not support it. We provide an evaluation of the projection quality of five common DR algorithms (MDS, PCA, t-SNE, UMAP, and autoencoders) using quality metrics from the literature and analyze the trade-off between the size of the reference set and projection quality. The runtime behavior of the algorithms is also quantified with respect to reference set size, out-of-sample batch size, and dimensionality of the data sets. Furthermore, we compare the out-of-sample approach to other recently introduced DR methods, such as PaCMAP and TriMAP, which claim to handle larger data sets than traditional approaches. To showcase the usefulness of DR on this large scale, we contribute a use case where we analyze ensembles of streamlines amounting to one billion projected instances.