This page provides authors of accepted papers with important information for the remainder of the process until the conference.
DEADLINE: August 1. Final papers and supplemental materials due at https://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/
Your camera-ready paper may not exceed 10 pages. The website http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~vis/Track/vis-menu.html has complete information regarding formatting requirements of your final revised PDF, copyright form, and optional videos. We do not need hardcopy. Please note in particular the suggestions for ensuring that the images in your PDF document are stored at sufficiently high resolution instead of using the default lossy compression settings.
Please check the second round reviewer comments (if any) and incorporate their suggestions. Note: there will not be further detailed proof-reading of your submission, so PLEASE read through your manuscript very carefully to fix any remaining grammar and spelling problems. If you are not a native English speaker, we very strongly recommend you recruit one to do the final careful pass on your paper. Also note the strict page limits. The 10th page, if used, may not contain anything other than references (we will be strict on this). Finally, your paper should not be anonymized in the final version. The paper must include authors and affiliations. Note that if you have been anonymizing then you may find you have to trim your text to fit into the page limits once authors and affiliations are added.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure the final submission data in PCS is identical to the final PDF (e.g. title, author names and lastnames, affiliations, author order, emails.) You might need to correct the information in your PCS login in order to update the author information. You can do this by logging into their PCS account > my account > Change my contact information.
You can include a video of your work on the conference DVD-ROM. Videos can be up to 5 minutes in length, and you may also include other supplemental material such as additional images or source code on the DVD. The web site above includes information on how to do so. The supplementary materials submitted initially for the 1st review cycle will NOT be automatically included in the conference USB or IEEE digital library. Only those submitted in the final version slot will.
At least one author per accepted paper must register to present the work. Also, an author from each paper will present a short preview during the first session.
DEADLINE: August 1. Video preview submission due at https://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/
Please read the following instructions carefully and submit your 30-second Video Preview by August 1, 2014. You can think of this Video Preview as an elevator pitch to preview your work.
VIS 2014 will, for the first time, broadcast Video Previews of presented work on large video screens at the conference venue. These videos will also be available on the USB drive given out at the conference and accessible from the conference website on the VIS vimeo channel prior to the conference. This provides the authors a great opportunity to publicize their work to a wider audience (including those who will not be attending VIS) and to attract more readers to their paper and more attendees to their talk. VIS 2014 will have multiple sessions and the Video Previews will help conference attendees decide which presentations to attend.
At least one presenter for each submission will be required (not optional) to briefly preview their work live in a few seconds during a Fast Forward session at the conference. Authors will be contacted later on in summer to submit their Fast Forward presentation in the form of a video (not slides). The Video Preview can be reused for the Fast Forward video as long as minor adaptations are carried out (e.g., the removal of pre-recorded voiceover, so the presentation is done live, and details such as the title of the work, authors list and affiliations).
For inspiration, you can watch the Video Previews of VIS 2013 or CHI 2014 , which adopted the same format.
Requirements and Checklist Before Submission
Your Video Preview must comply with all the points in this checklist. If not, do the necessary changes, re-consult the checklist and then submit your video.
You can generate your Video Preview using typical video editing software (e.g., Windows Movie Maker or iMovie) or presentation software (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 as in this guide or Apple Keynote as shown here). Free software is also available to export to the requested format (e.g., Freemake Video Encoder, Miro Video Converter, FFmpeg).
Video Previews should be submitted at http://precisionconference.com/~vgtc/. Log in on PCS and go to my submissions in progress > modify final version. Upload your file in the box named 30-sec Video Preview.
Authors that run out of space on PCS should:
For questions regarding this Video Preview submission you can email the Fast Forward Chairs at ff@ieeevis.org.
We are looking forward to an exciting and vibrant IEEE VIS 2014!