Call for Entries // Call for Papers
The IEEE VIS 2014 Arts Program (VISAP'14) showcases high-quality artwork and research that explores the increasingly prominent intersections between art and visualization. Through a dedicated papers track and an art show that runs concurrently with the IEEE VIS 2014 conference, the Arts Program aims to foster new thinking, discussion, and collaboration between artists, designers, technologists, visualization scientists, and others working at the intersection of these fields.
The theme for VISAP'14 is Art+Interpretation. We are looking especially for projects and papers that explore the relationships between visualization research and artistic practice, and that present or discuss creative visual techniques that emphasize the interpretative or narrative aspects of scientific or cultural exploration. However, we are open to any submissions that could challenge or inspire the communities participating in IEEE VIS. Papers and artworks are due before June 29, 2014. See the VISAP'14 website for more details: http://visap.uic.edu/2014
All accepted papers and artworks will appear in the VISAP'14 proceedings. Additionally, in collaboration with Leonardo/ISAST, we will be selecting outstanding submissions to appear in a special section of an issue of Leonardo, the Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology.
IEEE VISAP'14 chairs:
Angus Forbes (angus.forbes(at)gmail.com)
Fanny Chevalier (fanny.chevalier(at)inria.fr)