Symposium - Visualizaton in Data Science (VDS) - The IEEE Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS) brings together practitioners and researchers in data science and visualization to discuss practical issues and identify open research problems in the field of Data Science, the practice of deriving insight from data at the intersection of statistical methodology, computer science and a scientific domain
Tutorial - Visual Analytics for High-Dimensional Data
Tutorial - Vis+ML: Symbiosis of Visualization and Machine Learning
Workshop - Visual Analytics for Deep Learning (VADL 2017) - The workshop brings together researchers from both the machine learning and visual analytics fields and provides an opportunity to discuss and explore ways to harmonize the power of automated techniques and exploratory nature of interactive visualization.
Workshop - Data Systems for Interactive Analysis (DSIA) - DSIA fosters innovative research at the intersection of databases, machine learning, and interactive visualization
Symposium - Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) - The IEEE Symposium on Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) brings together domain scientists, data analytics and visualization researchers, High Performance Computing (HPC) specialists, and database technology providers, fostering innovative solutions to problems unique to extremely large scale data.
Discovery Jam - A live hackathon to scientific data discovery. You’ll leave the workshop with skills for communicating with scientists, approaches to cross-disciplinary collaboration, and new ideas to pursue further.
Panel - How do Recent Machine Learning Advances Impact the Data Visualization Research
Make sure to also check out the full program of the conference which can be found here: http://ieeevis.org/. Depending on your specific domain and current data analysis challenges you will likely find more interesting events there!