Our goals in Community are organizing activities at IEEE VIS conference that connect the current and next generation of visualization researchers and practitioners. We do this through providing conference activities to participants for all of the various visualization sub-communities: scientific visualization, information visualization, visual analytics, industry, etc.
The Community activities are open to all registered IEEE VIS participants, regardless of seniority and affiliation. The activities are organized by the IEEE VIS Community Chairs, who can be reached at community@ieeevis.org.
To register or participate in these Community events, please see the corresponding details below.
If this is your first time attending VIS, welcome! We have collected some advice from those of us who regularly attend VIS that might be helpful to you. Furthermore, please consider signing up for Vis Buddies (see below) and blinging up your badge with a first-time attendee sticker to strike up conversations with your fellow attendees.
To spark discussion and connection, we will be providing stickers that allow you to display how many years you’ve been at VIS, whether it’s your 1st, 2nd, or 10th or more time to VIS. We will also be providing “bling” to be able to spruce up your badge, along with your year in attendance sticker. These stickers will be located near the registration desk, along with the job fair ribbons and a tray to collect CVs/resumes for job hunters.
We will pin up and post job, post-doc, staff, etc. flyers to the corkboard near registration if you are unable to attend VISWeek in person. Send your flyers to community@ieeevis.org as a PDF. The deadline to recieve these is a week prior to VIS, otherwise we cannot guarantee that it will be posted to the corkboard by the first day of VIS.
Additionally, the reverse side of the corkboard/poster will be available for job seekers to publically post your CV, resume, and/or contact information. In case you do not want your CV publically visible, there will be a drop off tray for CVs near registration, which will be collected and shared with Supporters after VISWeek.
VisBuddies brings together new and returning VIS attendees with similar interests. For newcomers, this is a chance to meet experienced researchers in the field. For returning attendees, it is a chance to meet fresh talent joining VIS for the first time. You can volunteer for VisBuddies on the registration form (the latest a week prior to VIS). Based on your declared interests in the registration form, we will match pairs or small groups of attendees with different levels of VIS experience, and contact the groups via email prior to VIS.
Suggested Buddies activities include:
Vis Buddies is in conjunction with the Newcomers Meetup VIS Newcomers Meetup. After the Meetup, we will help you connect with your buddies (if you have not done so already).
This year, we will be having our first Asynchronous Job Fair (AJF) at VIS 2017! The purpose of the AJF is to help connect job seekers and researchers with employers, staff, and faculty over the course of VIS. This includes all types of job opportunities: staff, industry positions, software engineers, faculty, post-docs, etc. and all types of job seekers from students to practitioners.
The AJF will be continuously held throughout VISWeek concurrently with other activities, in addition to the Networking and Poster session from 5:15 to 7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 4th.
The primary activities include:
Please use the AJF as an opportunity to strike up a conversation with your fellow VIS attendees, even if you are not actively seeking employment or staff!
For more information contact IEEE VIS 2017 Community Chairs:
email: community@ieeevis.org