Tutorial - Visualization Analysis and Design
Tutorial - Applying Color Theory to VIS
Tutorial - Analyzing Qualitative Data
Discovery Jam - A live hackathon to scientific data discovery. You’ll leave the workshop with skills for communicating with scientists, approaches to cross-disciplinary collaboration, and new ideas to pursue further.
Workshop - Visualization for the Digital Humanities - The purpose of this workshop is to propose new research directions in visualization for the digital humanities, to familiarize the visualization research community with the problems faced by digital humanities researchers, and to foster future collaboration between visualization and digital humanities research.
Paper Session - VIS Arts Program (VISAP) Session 1 - 8:30am-10:10am, Room: 101-ABC
Paper Session - VIS Arts Program (VISAP) Session 2
Make sure to also check out the full program of the conference which can be found here: http://ieeevis.org/. Depending on your specific domain and current data analysis challenges you will likely find more interesting events there!