VAST Challenge - The Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge is an annual contest with the goal of advancing the field of visual analytics through competition. VAST Challenge problems provide researchers with realistic tasks and data sets for evaluating their software, as well as an opportunity to advance the field by solving more complex problems.
Tutorial - Visualization Analysis and Design
Tutorial - Applying Color Theory to VIS
Tutorial - Sketching Designs for Data Visualization using the Five Design-Sheet Methodology
Workshop - AVID: Advancing Visualization Inclusion and Diversity
Workshop - Vis in Practice: Visualization Solutions in the Wild - Providing an opportunity for visualization practitioners and researchers to meet and share experiences, insights, and ideas in applying the latest visualization and visual analytics research to real world problems.
Discovery Jam - A live hackathon to scientific data discovery. You’ll leave the workshop with skills for communicating with scientists, approaches to cross-disciplinary collaboration, and new ideas to pursue further.
VIS Opening & Awards - 8:00am-10:30am, Room: 301-CD
VIS Keynote Address - Analytics Inspired Visualization: a Holistic In-situ Scientific Workflow at Extreme Scale - 10:50am-11:50am, Room: 301-CD
Panel - VIP - Increasing the Impact of Visualization Research - 2:00pm-3:40pm, Room 101-ABC
Supporters Presentations - 4:15pm-5:55pm, Room: 101-ABC
Supporters Exhibition - all day, Room: 301-AB
Supporters Exhibition- all day, Room: 301-AB
Posters + Networking + Asynchronous Job Fair - 5:15pm-7:00pm, Room: 301-AB
Make sure to also check out the full program of the conference which can be found here: http://ieeevis.org/. Depending on your specific domain and current data analysis challenges you will likely find more interesting events there!