One of our goals in organizing the Community activities at the main IEEE VIS conference is to support the next generation of visualization researchers by helping connect junior and more experienced researchers from the scientific visualization, information visualization and visual analytics communities. This starts with connecting those who have attended IEEE VIS before with those who may be new to the conference, and perhaps the community.
The Community activities are open to all registered IEEE VIS participants, regardless of seniority and affiliation. The activities are organized by the IEEE VIS Community Chairs, who can be reached at community@ieeevis.org.
The VIS Community will offer the following events. To register for these events, please visit the corresponding Google Doc pages to see the event details. You can edit these pages directly.
Tuesday, Oct. 25 – Thursday, Oct. 27 (during the lunch time slot)
This is an informal, planned lunch where more “IEEE VIS regulars” have the opportunity to meet and socialize with junior researchers. You can sign up for these using the links below.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 5:00 - 7:00pm
Have you recently graduated, just looking for a new job, or seeking new hires in the field of visualization? If so, please join us in our “Meet the Candidate” poster session!
Poster participants will have a chance to showcase their work and chat with potential employers. To reserve your spot during this event, please email the Community chairs at community@ieee.org. Please reserve a space early, as poster space is limited.
All VIS attendees are welcome to attend. Employers, in academia, industry, and laboratory, are all encouraged to attend to meet with the candidates.
If this is your first time attending VIS, welcome! We have collected some advice from those of us who regularly attend VIS that might be helpful to you.
For more information contact IEEE VIS 2016 Community Chairs:
email: community@ieeevis.org