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Test of Time Awards


Visualizing the non-visual: spatial analysis and interaction with information from text documents
Authors: James A. Wise, James J. Thomas, Kelly Pennock, David Lantrip, Marc Pottier, Anne Schur, and Vern Crow
InfoVis 1995

A seminal paper that made the case for the importance of studying effective geometric representations of intrinsically non-geometric data. This became a theme of infovis research for many years and continues to result in important and impactful research. The paper has been cited more than 700 times by a broad range of researchers in diverse communities, and is still often cited as a landmark in text visualization.

Committee: Jason Dykes (chair), Jean-Daniel Fekete, John Stasko

Visage: a user interface environment for exploring information
Authors: Steven F. Roth, Peter Lucas, Jeffrey A. Senn, Cristina C. Gomberg, Michael B. Burks, Philip J. Stroffolino, A. J. Kolojechick, and Carolyn Dunmire
InfoVis 1996

Visage was a groundbreaking project, presenting a vision for visualization platforms to support collaboration and to close the gap between exploratory data analysis and presentation or storytelling, realized in a usable prototype. Visage also demonstrated the effectiveness of drag-and-drop interaction, seen in many successful infovis systems since and adopted by many of today’s systems. This paper has been cited more than 160 times by researchers from Infovis, CHI, UIST, AVI and other communities.

Committee: Sheelagh Carpendale, Hanspeter Pfister (chair), Stephen North

Hierarchical edge bundles: Visualization of adjacency relations in hierarchical data
Author: Danny Holten
InfoVis 2006

Hierarchical edge bundling was invented and developed by Danny Holten in close collaboration with Jarke van Wijk at the Eindhoven University of Technology. It is a seminal technique to improve the readability of hierarchical and clustered graphs, that has been applied countless times by other researchers and practitioners. Holten’s paper is a landmark that has been cited more than 740 times by other authors working in visualization, visual analytics, graphics, human-computer interaction and similar fields. Its ideas are still inspiring new work in the visualization community.

Committee: Brian Fisher, Daniel Keim, John Stasko (chair)


A Visual Interface for Multivariate Temporal Data: Finding Patterns of Events Across Multiple Histories
Authors: Jerry Fails, Amy Karlson, Layla Shahamat, Ben Shneiderman
VAST 2006