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- Doctoral Colloquium (by invitation only) (location: By invitation only)
- Workshop: Urban Data Visualization (CityVis)—Focus: The Role of the Citizen (location: Room 1)
- Tutorial: Topological Data Analysis Made Easy with the Topology ToolKit, A Sequel (location: Room 2)
- Workshop: SetVA: Set Visual Analytics (location: Room 3)
- Tutorial: Visualizing Multivariate Networks (location: Room 8)
- Workshop: Visualization for Communication (VisComm) (location: Room 15)
- Posters (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- Break
- Lunch Break
- Workshop: Vis X Vision: Workshop on Novel Directions in Vision Science and Visualization Research (location: Room 1)
- Tutorial: VTK-m - A ToolKit for Scientific Visualization on Many-Core Processors (location: Room 2)
- Workshop: MLUI 2019: Machine Learning from User Interactions for Visualization and Analytics (location: Room 3)
- Tutorial: Better Presentations for Visualization Research (location: Room 8)
- Application Spotlight: Visualization in meteorology and climate sciences: recent research and open challenge (location: Room 15)
- Break
- Application Spotlight: Visual Analysis of Air and Maritime Trajectory Data (location: Room 15)
- Opening Reception (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- Workshop: DSIA 2019: Data Systems for Interactive Analysis (location: Room 1)
- Tutorial: Visual Analysis and Design (location: Room 2)
- Workshop: Evaluation of Interactive Visual Machine Learning Systems (EVIVA-ML) (location: Room 3)
- Tutorial: Statistical Data Representation, Visualization, and Uncertainty Analysis (location: Room 8)
- Tutorial: Beyond Paper Types: How to Evaluate and Communicate VIS Research Contributions (location: Room 15)
- Posters (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- LDAV (location: Ballroom A)
- VisInPractice (location: Ballroom B)
- VAST Challenge (location: Ballroom C)
- Break
- Lunch Break
- Workshop: Challenges in Multilayer Network Visualization and Analysis (location: Room 3)
- Tutorial: Visualization for Social Good (location: Room 2)
- Workshop: 2nd Workshop on Visualization for AI Explainability (VISxAI) (location: Room 1)
- Tutorial: User-Centred Evaluation in Visualization (location: Room 8)
- Application Spotlight: Visualization Software Development for Researchers and End Users - from general issues to specific challenges for medical (location: Room 15)
- Break
- Application Spotlight: Visualization paradigms in the renewable energy space (location: Room 15)
- FF (Tue & Wed Sessions) (location: Ballroom A)
- VIS Welcome, VGTC Awards, TOT Awards (location: Ballroom ABC)
- Posters (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- VIS Best Papers (location: Ballroom ABC)
- Break
- VIS Keynote (location: Ballroom ABC)
- Lunch Break
- VAST Opening (location: Ballroom A)
- InfoVis Opening (location: Ballroom B)
- SciVis Opening (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers Opening (location: Room 1)
- A Tour of VAST (location: Ballroom A)
- Provocations (location: Ballroom B)
- Scalar Topology (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Novel Interfaces (location: Room 1)
- Panel: Exploring Reproducibility in Vis: Expanding on the National Academies’ Report on Reproducibility and Replicability in Science (location: Room 2+3)
- SciVis Contest (location: Room 8+15)
- Break
- VIS Meets Machine Learning (location: Ballroom A)
- Features and Topology (location: Ballroom B)
- Bias & Patterns (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Systems and Design Studies (location: Room 1)
- Application Spotlight: Visualization Enabled Scientific Discovery (location: Room 2+3)
- Supporters Presentations (location: Room 8+15)
- VIS Arts Program Opening Event (location: South Foyer)
- Celebration of Life: Luana Micallef (location: Room 8+15)
- Multiscale Visualization (location: Ballroom A)
- Drawing Nodes and Edges (location: Ballroom B)
- Flow (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Perception, Cognition, and Visualization Design (location: Room 1)
- VizSec (location: Room 2+3)
- VISAP Session 1 (location: Room 8+15)
- Posters (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- Break
- Evaluation & Reproducibility (location: Ballroom A)
- Animation and Sports (location: Ballroom B)
- Multivariate & Multidimensional Data (location: Ballroom C)
- CG&A Session 1 (location: Room 8+15)
- Application Spotlight: Does AI mean data visualization is dead? (location: Room 1)
- VizSec (location: Room 2+3)
- Lunch Break
- reVISe Town Hall: Restructuring IEEE VIS for the Future (location: Ballroom A)
- (De)Construction (location: Ballroom A)
- Immersion and Virtual Environments (location: Ballroom B)
- Planning and Situational Awareness (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: VIS Meets Machine Learning (location: Room 1)
- VizSec (location: Room 2+3)
- Panel: Top Research Questions for Empirical Studies in Visualization (location: Room 8+15)
- Break
- FF (Thu & Fri Sessions) (location: Ballroom A)
- Posters + Networking + Hiring events (location: Ballroom ABC)
- VIS Dinner Reception (location: Ballroom ABC)
- XAI and Fairness (location: Ballroom A)
- Vis for Software and Systems (location: Ballroom B)
- Large Data and Dimensionality Reduction (location: Ballroom C)
- VISAP Session 2 (location: Room 2+3)
- SIGGRAPH Session (location: Room 8+15)
- BioVis Challenge (location: Room 1)
- Posters (location: Exhibition Hall A)
- Break
- Scatterplots (location: Ballroom A)
- Volume Visualization (location: Ballroom B)
- Geovisualization (location: Ballroom C)
- CG&A Session 2 (location: Room 2+3)
- Lunch Break
- VIS 2020 Kick-off Meeting (location: Ballroom A)
- Ensembles & Uncertainty (location: Ballroom A)
- Interactive Machine Learning (location: Ballroom B)
- Infographics & Storytelling (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine (location: Room 1)
- Panel: Visual Analytics, past, present and future (location: Room 2+3)
- Break
- Visualization in Medicine (location: Ballroom A)
- Words & Documents (location: Ballroom B)
- What’s the Difference? (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Multi-Dimensional Data, Time Series, Graphs, and Trees (location: Room 1)
- Application Spotlight: Knowledge-assisted Visual Analytics meets Guidance and Onboarding (location: Room 2+3)
- Influencers (location: Ballroom A)
- Color (location: Ballroom B)
- Searching & Querying (location: Ballroom C)
- Short Papers: Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Fields (location: Room 1)
- Application Spotlight: Feature-based Visual Interactive Systems to Optimize Decision Making (location: Room 2+3)
- Break
- VIS Capstone (location: Ballroom ABC)
- VIS Closing (location: Ballroom ABC)