The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Environmental Management
(DOE/EM) currently supports an effort to understand and predict the fate of
nuclear contaminants and their transport in natural and engineered systems.
Geologists, hydrologists, physicists and computer scientists are working
together to create models of existing nuclear waste sites, to simulate their
behavior and to extrapolate it into the future. We use visualization as an
integral part in each step of this process. In the first step, visualization
is used to verify model setup and to estimate critical parameters.
High-performance computing simulations of contaminant transport produces
massive amounts of data, which is then analyzed using visualization software
specifically designed for parallel processing of large amounts of structured
and unstructured data. Finally, simulation results are validated by comparing
simulation results to measured current and historical field data. We describe
in this article how visual analysis is used as an integral part of the
decision-making process in the planning of ongoing and future treatment
options for the contaminated nuclear waste sites. Lessons learned from
visually analyzing our large-scale simulation runs will also have an impact
on deciding on treatment measures for other contaminated sites.