Tutorials are intended to cover a wide selection of topics related to VisWeek 2012 and provide background on new tools and application domains necessary for research in data and information visualization and visual analytics. Tutorial attendees come from diverse backgrounds, including volume visualization and rendering, information visualization, high performance computing, and scientific application communities.
We are soliciting half-day and full-day tutorial proposals in the areas of visualization systems, mathematical foundations, methods, and application areas. We welcome course proposals that introduce emerging technologies to the visualization community, as well as proposals on more traditional visualization topics. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the tutorial's importance and suitability for presentation in a tutorial format, the past experience and qualifications of the instructors, the overall balance in the tutorial program, and the likely attendance of the tutorial.
All tutorial proposals should include:
Proposals should be submitted by email to tutorials@visweek.org. Please address any questions concerning submission, format, and content to tutorials@visweek.org and click here for formatting guidelines.
Deadline: June 22, 2011
Gordon Kindlmann, University of Chicago
Petra Isenberg, INRIA
Robert Kosara, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
For more information, email tutorials@visweek.org