Wolfgang Aigner | Vienna University of Technology |
Natalia Andrienko | Fraunhofer IAIS |
Daniel Archambault | University College Dublin |
Enrico Bertini | Universität Konstanz |
Ulrik Brandes | Universität Konstanz |
Sheelagh Carpendale | University of Calgary |
Steven Drucker | Microsoft Research |
Tim Dwyer | Microsoft Research |
Jean-Daniel Fekete | INRIA |
Danyel Fisher | Microsoft Research |
Michael Gleicher | University of Wisconsin, Madison |
John Goodall | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Diansheng Guo | University of South Carolina |
Helwig Hauser | University of Bergen |
Christopher Healey | North Carolina State University |
Jeffrey Heer | Stanford University |
Nathalie Henry Riche | Microsoft Research |
Harry Hochheiser | University of Pittsburgh |
Danny Holten | SynerScope BV |
TJ Jankun-Kelly | Mississippi State University |
Daniel Keim | Universität Konstanz |
Jessie Kennedy | Edinburgh Napier University |
Robert Kincaid | Agilent Laboratories |
Robert Kosara | University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
Bongshin Lee | Microsoft Research |
Kwan-Liu Ma | University of California, Davis |
Ross Maciejewski | Arizona State University |
Florian Mansmann | Universität Konstanz |
Michael McGuffin | L'École de technologie supérieure |
Guy Melançon | CNRS UMR 5800 LaBRI \ INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest |
Miriah Meyer | University of Utah |
Chris Muelder | University of California, Davis |
Tamara Munzner | University of British Columbia |
Chris North | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Stephen North | AT&T Labs |
Penny Rheingans | University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Anthony Robinson | The Pennsylvania State University |
Heidrun Schumann | Universität Rostock |
Jinwook Seo | Seoul National University |
John Stasko | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Martin Theus | Telefonica O2 Germany \ University of Augsburg |
Christian Tominski | Universität Rostock |
Jarke van Wijk | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
Matt Ward | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Hadley Wickham | Rice University |
Leland Wilkinson | SYSTAT Inc. |
Kent Wittenburg | Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories \ MERL |
Jo Wood | City University London |
Michelle Zhou | IBM Almaden Research Center |
Caroline Ziemkiewicz | Brown University |