New for this year, VisWeek 2012 is adding a track for practitioners and industry. VisWeek has always been the best place to learn about new visualization techniques and tools, and to discuss tricks of the trade--but now there's additional material targeted to practitioners who build, sell, and work with visualizations.
VisWeek's industry content has sessions on how to use data and visualization to change business problems into solutions that lead to concrete, bottom-line results. You'll learn about tools and techniques that will help you create your next tools for exploration, analysis, and presentation. And you'll share your own stories with colleagues.
At VisWeek 2012, Special Sessions with speakers from Tableau, Bungie, Periscopic, the Congressional Budget Office, Bloomberg and many more discussing how they get business value out of visual analytics and visualization on a day-to-day basis.
Panels gather experts to discuss pressing issues. One that might be of particular interest:
Tutorials are used to sharpen your technical skills or get started in visualization. Some highlights include:
Workshops present the state of the art in a more informal context, including sessions on Text Analytics, Cyber Security, and Health Data.
…and, of course, the referreed papers track from SciVis, InfoVis, VAST, and TVCG present cutting-edge research on the newest frontiers of visualization.
Why Should You Go To VisWeek 2012?
Who Should Attend?
Danyel Fisher, Microsoft Research
Questions? Email at industry@visweek.org