Sports analysts live in a world of dynamic games flattened into tables of
numbers, divorced from the rinks, pitches, and courts where they were
generated. Currently, these professional analysts use R, Stata, SAS, and
other statistical software packages for uncovering insights from game data.
Quantitative sports consultants seek a competitive advantage both for their
clients and for themselves as analytics becomes increasingly valued by teams,
clubs, and squads. In order for the information visualization community to
support the members of this blossoming industry, it must recognize where and
how visualization can enhance the existing analytical workflow. In this
paper, we identify three primary stages of today's sports analyst's routine
where visualization can be beneficially integrated: 1) exploring a dataspace;
2) sharing hypotheses with internal colleagues; and 3) communicating findings
to stakeholders.Working closely with professional ice hockey analysts, we
designed and built SnapShot, a system to integrate visualization into the
hockey intelligence gathering process. SnapShot employs a variety of
information visualization techniques to display shot data, yet given the
importance of a specific hockey statistic, shot length, we introduce a
technique, the radial heat map. Through a user study, we received encouraging
feedback from several professional analysts, both independent consultants and
professional team personnel.