Design studies are an increasingly popular form of problem-driven
visualization research, yet there is little guidance available about how to
do them effectively. In this paper we reflect on our combined experience of
conducting twenty-one design studies, as well as reading and reviewing many
more, and on an extensive literature review of other field work methods and
methodologies. Based on this foundation we provide definitions, propose a
methodological framework, and provide practical guidance for conducting
design studies. We define a design study as a project in which visualization
researchers analyze a specific real-world problem faced by domain experts,
design a visualization system that supports solving this problem, validate
the design, and reflect about lessons learned in order to refine
visualization design guidelines. We characterize two axes - a task clarity
axis from fuzzy to crisp and an information location axis from the domain
expert's head to the computer - and use these axes to reason about design
study contributions, their suitability, and uniqueness from other approaches.
The proposed methodological framework consists of 9 stages: learn, winnow,
cast, discover, design, implement, deploy, reflect, and write. For each stage
we provide practical guidance and outline potential pitfalls. We also
conducted an extensive literature survey of related methodological approaches
that involve a significant amount of qualitative field work, and compare
design study methodology to that of ethnography, grounded theory, and action