Stability Visualization of Fluid Dynamics
The IEEE Visualization Contest 2011 targets the field of fluid dynamics. The goal is to devise a visualization that allows for exploring the stability of a fluid dynamics simulation of a pump with respect to different models of its turbulences. One big challenge is the large amount of the data. The contest aims at demonstrating how novel visualization and interaction techniques from the forefront of scientific research can help to solve real-world problems of high relevance - today.
Three data sets of a centrifugal pump are provided by the Institute of Applied Mechanics, Clausthal University, Germany. Each data set was computed with a different turbulence model and comprises one full rotation of the centrifugal pump. Visit http://viscontest.sdsc.edu/2011 for details.
The winning team will receive one Apple iPad sponsored by CEI (http://www.ensight.com) one full registration to Visweek 2011 and certificates to each team member. Furthermore, depending on the number of submissions, honorable-mentions will be awarded. The honorable-mention teams will receive certificates to each team member.
Chair: Jan Klein, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
Co-Chair: Gabriel Zachmann, Clausthal University, Clausthal, Germany
Deadline: July 31, 2011
Notification: September 9, 2011
We invite submissions from individuals or teams, from industry or academia. We encourage participants to demonstrate the prototype of a tool that supports a method or process for understanding this kind of data through analysis and visualization with the general target of stability visualization of fluid dynamics.
For more information visit http://viscontest.sdsc.edu/2011 or email us at vis_contest@visweek.org