Welcome to VisWeek 2011!

2011 VisWeek SciVis Contests

Vis Contest
Session : 
Vis Contest
Date & Time : Tuesday, October 25 11:40 am - 12:10 pm
Location : Ballroom A
Chair : Jan Klein and Gabriel Zachmann
Contests : 
Vis Contest

The problem proposed for the IEEE Visualization Contest 2011 was focussed on the stability visualization of fluid dynamics. Three comprehensive data sets were provided along with relevant questions.  There were a total of 6 submissions. The quality of all submission was very good overall.

For each paper, at least 5 reviews have been made by visualization experts and domain experts.

All contributions can be found at http://viscontest.sdsc.edu/2011/

The VisContest committee has determined that there will be one winner and one honorable mention as follows:

Visualizing Unsteady Vortical Behavior of a Centrifugal Pump
Mathias Otto, Alexander Kuhn, Wito Engelke, Holger Theisel

Honorable mention
Visualization of Vortex Core Differences between Ensemble Simulations
Alexis Yee Lyn Chan, Joohwi Lee, Russell M. Taylor II

The winning team will receive:

  1. One Apple iPad 2 (sponsored by CEI)
  2. One full registration to Visweek 2011
  3. Certificates to each team member
  4. Poster at VisWeek 2011
  5. Presentation by the contest winner at Visweek 2011 (Tuesday, 25th October, 11:40 am, Ballroom A)

The honorary mention team will receive:

  1. One full registration to Visweek 2011
  2. Certificates to each team member
  3. Presentation by the honorary mention team at Visweek 2011 (Tuesday, 25th October, 11:40 am, Ballroom A)

For more information visit the contest website at


Jan Klein (chair)
Gabriel Zachmann (co-chair)