A Co-Located Exhibition by Maxwell Roberts In this first year of the VisWeek-wide Art Show, the organizers are excited to also plan to host a special co-located exhibition of more than ten years of work by psychologist, designer, and artist, Maxwell Roberts. Roberts’ creative traveling international exhibition of map designs provides an intriguing view of the intersection between art and visualization through a collection of work that teaches us about design, breaks the rules, challenges preconceptions, and is often at the same time decorative, fanciful, and informative. |
Art and visualization have always shared a close relationship. Today, it seems closer than ever. Traditional and new media artists are redefining the way that we view science and information, while experts in science, medicine, informatics, and visualization are impacting art practice through new ideas, technologies, and collaborations. The VisWeek 2011 Art Show aims to showcase the exciting and increasingly prominent intersections between art and visualization while fostering new thinking, discussion, and collaboration between artists, designers, technologists, visualization scientists, and others working at the intersection of these two fields.
The VisWeek 2011 Art Show seeks artworks that creatively employ visualization technologies in art practice; artworks that explore issues surrounding the role of science, information, and visualization in society; and works that otherwise demonstrate exceptional synergies of art and visualization. Submission of works including 2D and 3D prints, physical objects, interactive and non-interactive displays, and multimodal installation environments are all encouraged, as are collaborative submissions. Submissions will be reviewed in a jury process, and the selected work will be exhibited at a gallery space at VisWeek 2011.
To submit work to the jury process, email the following to art@visweek.org by Monday June 20 (DEADLINE EXTENDED!):
(1) Information about the work and the artist. Please prepare a 1-2 page PDF document that includes the following information.
(2) Visual documentation of the work. Submit up to three images of the work and optionally one video. Please include a video for interactive works.
The PDF document and images may be attached directly to your email submission sent to art@visweek.org . Links to large video files may be included in your email rather than attaching the file. You will receive confirmation that your submission has been received via return email.
An interdisciplinary jury with expertise in art and visualization will review works submitted to the jury process. Work will be judged based on the potential impact of the work, the quality of the accompanying artist statement and documentation, the depth and creativity of the exploration, and the relevance to synergies or future synergies between art and visualization.
Notices of acceptance or rejection from the exhibition will be sent via email. Detailed information and instructions will then be sent out regarding hanging/installing the show. Artists will be responsible for bringing or shipping their work to VisWeek 2011.
For more information, please contact the Art Show Chairs:
Dan Keefe, University of Minnesota
Bruce Campbell, Rhode Island School of Design
Email them at art@visweek.org