IEEE VIS 2024 Content: Cultivating Climate Action Through Multi-Institutional Collaboration: Innovative Data Visualization Educational Programs and Exhibits for Public Engagement

Cultivating Climate Action Through Multi-Institutional Collaboration: Innovative Data Visualization Educational Programs and Exhibits for Public Engagement

Beth Altringer Eagle - Brown University, Providence, United States. Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, United States

Elisabeth Sylvan - Harvard University, Cambridge, United States

Room: Esplanade Suites I + II + III

2024-10-14T12:30:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
Exemplar figure, described by caption below
Four examples of interactive data visualizations created by students at Harvard, Brown and RISD using open data from the city of Boston and presented at the Museum of Science
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This paper details the development and implementation of a collaborative exhibit at Boston’s Museum of Science showcasing interactive data visualizations designed to educate the public on global sustainability and urban environmental concerns. Supported by cross-institutional collaboration, the exhibit provided a rich real-world learning opportunity for students, resulting in a set of public-facing educational resources that informed visitors of global sustainability concerns through the lens of a local municipality. The realization of this project was made possible only by a close collaboration between a municipality, science museum and academic partners, all who committed their expertise and resources at both leadership and implementation team levels.This initiative highlights the value of cross- institutional collaboration to ignite the transformative potential of interactive visualizations in driving public engagement of local and global sustainability issues. Focusing on promoting sustainability and enhancing community well-being, this initiative highlights the potential of cross-institutional collaboration and locally-relevant interactive data visualizations to educate, inspire action, and foster community engagement in addressing climate change and urban sustainability.