VIS 2017 banner

Fast Forward and Video Previews

Please read the following instructions carefully and submit your 25-second video for the Video Previews archive and Fast Forward conference session by August 1, 2017.

Video previews and fast forwards are a great opportunity to publicize your work or event to a wide audience. Video previews are accessible from the conference website on the VIS Vimeo channel prior to, during, and after the conference. At least one author for each accepted submission is required to present a 25-second preview of their work during a Fast Forward (FF) session held at the conference. The same 25-second video supports both purposes: it will be archivally available as a standalone video with audio track, and it will also be played during the FF session without the audio track while the author speaks. Voiceover narration in the audio track is strongly recommended to make the archival video most useful, but is not mandatory.

Video PreviewFast Forward
WhatThe video preview will be hosted at a video platform (Vimeo) and should advertise your work in a way that motivates viewers to read the paper. It will exist for a long time.The fast forward video is the video preview without any audio track. The visuals should support your on-stage oral advertisement to join your conference presentation.
Format Length: 25 seconds - DO NOT include a title slide
Maximum file size: 50MB
Resolution: 1280 x 720 px, at 24 to 30 frames/s
Format: MPEG-4 using H.264 encoding
Testing: Your video should play in VLC media player version 2.2.4
** More details below
AudioNarration and free-to-use music
** More details below
WhoPapers (VAST, InfoVis, SciVis, TVCG, CG&A, VISAP)
** Please submit only one video that can be used with audio as VP and without audio as FF
Posters (all)
Posters (only best and honorable mention posters)
SciVis contest
VISAP art event

Technical and Legal Details:

  • Length: 25 seconds
  • Maximum file size: 50MB
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 px, at 24 to 30 frames/s
  • Format: MPEG-4 using H.264 encoding
  • Media player:
    • Video plays in the VLC media player version 2.2.4 (freely available at without additional software, codecs or settings
  • Audio:
    • the audio is not played during the fast forward session, and the presentation of the fast forward must be done live
    • you must certify that any background audio is free from copyright or that you are licensed to use it.
  • Content:
    • does not include a title slide with the title of the work, authors, affiliations, etc. at the start of the video. We will add this to all videos in a consistent style.
  • Submission:
    • videos will be uploaded using the PCS submission website ( Please request a PCS login from the conference organizers if you do not have one.
    • name the video file <track name>_<ID>, where ID is the number automatically assigned when you first submitted your work on PCS. If your video does not have an accompanying PCS submission, use track name for the name of the event and ID for your last name.(e.g., vast_paper-100.mp4, meetups-guo.mp4)

For questions or more information, please email

Fast Forward and Video Previews Chairs

  • Hanqi Guo, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Zhicheng (Leo) Liu, Adobe
  • Katerina Vrotsou, Linköping University